Sunday, September 8, 2024

Black students at U of Michigan leave anti-Zionist hate group, but still don't see the light

I asked AI if there is any evidence that modern day Muslims hold racist views about Black people. Here's what I got:

Based on the information available up to September 8, 2024, there is evidence and discussion within both scholarly and social media platforms indicating that racism against Black individuals exists within some modern Muslim communities. Here's a synthesis of the insights:
Scholarly and Community Discussions: There are documented instances and discussions about intra-Muslim racism, particularly against Black Muslims, within Muslim American communities. This includes reports of African American Muslims facing racism from other immigrant Muslim communities, such as those from South Asian and Arab backgrounds. This issue has been acknowledged in various forums, including webinars and community dialogues aimed at addressing racism within Muslim spaces.

Global Perspectives:Anti-Black racism is not confined to one region but is reported across the Muslim world, including in the Arab world, where there's a historical and ongoing issue of anti-Blackness. This racism is deeply rooted in historical practices like slavery, which has left a lasting impact on societal attitudes towards Black people.

Social Media Insights:X posts reflect a range of sentiments from personal experiences to broader cultural critiques. Users have shared personal anecdotes, historical references, and contemporary instances where anti-Black racism is evident within Muslim societies. These include discussions on how Black Muslims might be treated differently or how anti-Black sentiments might be embedded in cultural practices or even religious interpretations.

Religious and Cultural Texts:Some discussions point towards interpretations of religious texts or cultural practices that might perpetuate racist views against Black individuals, although Islam itself teaches racial equality. This indicates a discrepancy between religious teachings and cultural practices. 
Public and Academic Discourse:Public lectures, books, and academic discussions, like those mentioned in the references, tackle the issue head-on, suggesting that anti-Black racism within Muslim communities is a recognized problem being addressed through various lenses, including cultural criticism, legal analysis, and community activism.
The AI warned of nuances in this response, but make up your own mind to determine whether it exists.

Meanwhile, Black students at the University of Michigan have noticed some serious negativity emanating from them by the anti-Zionist student group Tahrir Coalition, citing “pervasive” anti-Black discrimination fostered by its mostly Arab and Middle Eastern leadership. [H/T]

The University of Michigan’s Black Student Union (BSU) has resigned from the anti-Zionist student group but still naively supports the anti-Zionist movement. “The BSU’s solidarity with the Palestinian people is unwavering, but the integrity of the Tahrir Coalition is deeply questionable. We refuse to subject ourselves and our community to the rampant anti-Blackness that festers within it. For this reason, we will no longer be a part of the Tahrir Coalition.”

“Black identities, voices, and bodies are not valued in this coalition, and thus we must remove ourselves,” BSU said in a statement posted on Instagram. “The anti-Blackness within the coalition has been too pervasive to overcome, and we refuse to endure it.”

The saddest part in all this is that the situation with the Jewish students on campus mirror the oppression Blacks historically experienced in so many aspects of life, and while the Black students support the Jew-haters, they have more in common with the Jews than those they support.

How can any person support what Hamas did on October 7th unless it's rabid Jew hatred?

But the more they hate us, the Jewisher we get.

Am Yisrael Chai! Israel lives.

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