Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Hateful Metamorphosis of Candace Owens

It was about ten years ago when Candace Owens, a college dropout, was working in New York City as a marketing professional and a devout Democrat writing for her company’s website about the Republican Tea Party, referring to them as “bats**t crazy.” But it wasn’t long afterward that she saw the light and, Bob’s your uncle, had a "kundalini awakening” and realized she was a conservative all along.

Owens, a black woman, became a YouTube phenomena quickly, going by the name RedPillBlack. She took nontraditional views for a black woman and was soon finding herself with Charlie Kirk on Turning Point USA, a grassroots group that tried to convince leftist-taught students to go all out for Donald Trump.

Owens was hired by conservative media outlet Daily Wire in 2020 where she thrived for a while and had her own eponymously named show.

She seemed like a rising star being young, cool, black and conservative.

As her fame rose, so did her ego. She eventually went beyond just going after the Democrats, obese celebrities, while praising George Floyd—she then went after the Jews with a raging anti-Semitism that for a nanosecond seemed out of character, until you got to know her.

It may have started with Kanye West when she downplayed his disgusting anti-Semitic remarks from several years ago. He claimed that he was “going death con 3 on Jewish people.” Owens defended him saying, “If you are an honest person, you did not find this tweet antisemitic.”

In her twisted thinking, she apparently sees Jews as being inherently dishonest because we do, indeed, see that as being anti-Semitic, aka Jew-hating.

She even claimed these sentiments were justifiable because West believed that Hollywood Jews were out to get him.

Owens said of West’s statement: “In all communities there are gangs. In the black community we’ve got the Bloods, we’ve got the Crips. Well, imagine if the Bloods and the Crips were doing horrific things, murdering people, controlling people with blackmail, and then every time a person spoke out about it, the Bloods and the Crips would call those people racist, would get the media to say those people were racist. . . . What if that is what is happening right now in Hollywood if there is just a very small ring of specific people who are using theft that they are Jewish to shield themselves from any criticism. It’s food for thought, right? . . . There are enough people that are speaking out about a ring in Hollywood, also a ring potentially in D.C., that we should start to ask those questions. . . . All Americans should want answers because this appears to be something that is quite sinister.”

She pretends that her simply asking questions style of approach is an intellectual inquiry when it’s really a cover for her anti-Semitism.

Naturally, this is not an isolated expression of her Jew hatred. Ever since the October 7, 2023 invasion by Hamas of Israel where over 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered, burned alive, beheaded, and raped, while 253 were kidnapped and taken hostage and many killed or died in captivity, Owens flips the script and puts the atrocities on Israel’s shoulders: “No government anywhere has a right to commit genocide, ever. There is no justification for genocide.”

Does she know the definition of genocide?

Since 1948 when Israel became the Jewish State, the Arab population went from around 80,000 to around 2,500,000. If the Jew were committing genocide, they didn’t do a very good job at it.

It’s like calling Israel an apartheid state. Jews, Christians, Arabs, gays, lesbians, and atheists live in Israel. Except for the Arabs, the other groups wouldn’t last longer than a snowball in Hades.

Another anti-Semitic statement by Owens is that Holocaust education is indoctrination. Why is that anything other than an education in history?

She obviously doesn’t know much about history since she claimed that Joseph Stalin was Jewish. It is factually false. Joseph Vissarionaovich Stalin, born Joseb Besarionis due Jughashvili, and his family were Georgian Orthodox Christians. And although his daughter married a Jew, he was very displeased and did not attend the wedding.

Stalin was educated at an Orthodox Christian seminary, writes Simon Sebag Montefiore in the biography, “Young Stalin.”

Owens has been criticized for calling Dr. Josef Mengele’s torturous experiments on Auschwitz prisoners ‘bizarre propaganda,” when in fact there is documented proof they actually occurred. She said that “some of the stories, by the way, sound completely absurd.” She wonders why, in an account in which humans were cut in half, “Why would you do that?” She then added, “Literally, even if you’re the most evil person in the world, that’s a tremendous waste of time and supplies.”

Brilliant observation.

Whenever Owens lies or says something factually incorrect, she never owns up to it and immediately plays the victim, claiming persecution as a Christian or a Black person.

The Daily Wire rightfully got rid of Owens and it’s time for decent-minded people to realize how toxic and hateful she is. She is nothing more than a hateful neo-Nazi looking for followers and likes.

Personally, I don’t like her.

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