Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Jew-hating jihadi goes all to pieces prematurely outside a synagogue

If he could be given a stage name, he would be named Rip Torn. It happened outside a synagogue he was planning to attack, but he went off half-cocked and exploded outside the house of worship. In fact, one Jewish worshipper said, “If I hadn’t gone into the synagogue, I wouldn’t be standing here today.”

 [H/T World Israel News.]

It happened outside a south Tel Aviv synagogue where people expressed their gratitude for not being blown to pieces [literally] like the incompetent suicide bomber did just outside the building Monday evening.

The unidentified man was captured on video security as he diddy-bopped along Lehi Street wearing a backpack laden with explosives. 

At around eight p.m., an unidentified man was captured by security cameras walking on Lehi Street, wearing a backpack. According to security and police sources, there was a bomb inside of his bag.

In what surely had to be a fatal screwup, the bomb exploded, blowing the jihadi into several pieces and moderately injuring a 33-year-old man who was riding by in a environmentally friendly electric scooter.

The shock of the blast rocked the nearby synagogue meters from the explosion and worshippers said that it was a “great miracle” that most people were unhurt who were near the explosion, which happened with about 80 people in the building in the middle of the Maariv prayer, according to an attendee who wished to remain anonymous for personal safety reasons.

Just 100 meters from the synagogue is a busy commercial area and a shopping plaza with lots of restaurants and stores. It might have been the jihadi's target as it was crowded at the time. A senior police official told Hebrew-language media that he was “99 percent certain” the bombing was terror-related, though Israel’s security agencies have yet to officially confirm that. Perhaps he was simply planning to help Mohammed by moving the mountain for him.

The Shin Bet, (Israel Security Agency)  immediately began investigating at the scene, indicating that the event was probably terror-related.

Tel Aviv District Police Commander Peretz Amar said in a media statement on Sunday evening that while the man’s identity is still unknown, it’s important to note that “he was not an innocent civilian. He was someone carrying an explosive device.”

Gruesome footage circulating on social media from the scene of the explosion showed that the man carrying the bomb had been dismembered by the force of the blast, inspiring one to recall the immortal Patsy Kline song, "I Fall to Pieces."

As to why the device exploded prematurely, it is entirely possible the idiot carrying it was testing to see whether it was in working order.

It was.

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