Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Biden's team angry with how he was mistreated: talks of revenge loom large

Everyone knows PINO Joseph Biden's bedtime is around 8 p.m. and that his mental status is impaired, especially when he's kept up past his bedtime. But that is exactly what the Democrats did at the DNC on Monday night when his angry, shouted speech began at 11:30 p.m. 

Was this intentional--we can't say for sure.

What we know is that the convention was a circus of dancing abortion pills, free death con 3 abortions on unborn babies, and free vasectomies for men whose wives and girlfriends insist on them being neutered. [But conceiving fewer communists due to vasectomies is a good thing, so go for it, lefties.]

One had to be inspired by the American Federation of Teachers president Randy Weingarten's high-energy speech where she pounded her fists over and over, jumped up and down screaming about about 'the moment we are in,' and 'the road ahead,' and screw the students and their math scores. 

And then there was the gaggle of gals attempting to sing the National Anthem. That went over like a lead Hindenburg blimp.

Outside the Chicago convention pro Hamassholes burned Old Glory, called for the end of Israel and the Jews, and did their usual screaming at cops hoping to create a scene where they were victimized by them.

Eventually, as the night wore on and the midnight hour was approaching, Biden was put on stage to speak and boy oh boy, he sounded like an angry old cuss who was about to shoot those kids on his lawn. He didn't make a speech; he shouted a speech.

His team was angry over how they treated him like used toilet paper. According to Alex Thompson of Axios, a Biden aide reportedly texted him, “This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them—do they have to cut him out of prime time?"

Well yeah, they do. They need to distance themselves from Biden and pretend all that was wrong in the last three and a half years had nothing to do with Kamala Harris. Some on the left even tried to blame Trump for the state of the nation during the Biden-Harris administration.

After Biden finished yelling and blaming Trump for everything Biden did, he was basically given the boot and removed from the scene to go on another vacation. We still don't know for certain who's running the country--some say Pelosi, some say Obama, but nobody says Harris.

It's believed that Obama threatened Biden by warning him that Harris was on board with using the 25th Amendment against him, and Biden knew that this was very possible as there is no love lost between them, in spite of the fact that he endorsed her. [Did he have a choice?]

In his speech, Biden denied the reports about him being angry, but if you think he was fine with the Democrat's decision to get him off the ticket when he hungered to run for a second term, you don't know Biden. He hates to be challenged and this was his biggest challenge of his life. You know he was angry.

Revenge may be in the offing as Biden sails into the sunset of his life.

Peter Hamby of Puck News believes something may be brewing in terms of revenge:
"Make no mistake: Biden, and a handful of advisers in his inner circle, are still licking their wounds after the party putsch to get him out of the race. They would love to live in a world where Biden was still the nominee, even if things are unquestionably better for the party now, with a tidal wave of post-Biden excitement that has Harris surging in the polls."
Hamby added that he was told by two Democratic sources that Anita Dunn, Biden's communication adviser, gave a tough departure speech at her departure event two weeks ago after leaving the administration, She made a reference to The Godfather and alluded to "getting revenge." She and Harris don't play well together so her leaving was for the best.

So while Biden was thrown under the proverbial bus, he failed to make a case for his own presidency, but instead he lividly harped on about Donald Trump.

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