Sunday, February 26, 2023

White student sues Howard U., a historically Black college for $2M over racial discrimination

A White student at Howard University's law school is suing the school for racial discrimination. The student Michael Newman alleges the school created a "hostile environment."

Newman began attending Howard University School of Law in the 2020 fall semester and remained there for two years but was expelled in September 2022. His lawsuit is for $2 million in monetary damages for "pain, suffering, emotional anguish and damage to his reputation."

Vice President and Chief Communications Officer for the school, Frank Tramble, said he couldn't comment "substantively" because of the pending lawsuit, he said that the university “is prepared to vigorously defend itself in this lawsuit as the claims provide a one-sided and self-serving narrative of the events leading to the end of the student’s enrollment at the University.”

Newman suffered “depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts” as a result of “public ostracism, vilification and humiliation,” the lawsuit claims. While no data supports the possibility that Newman is a snowflake, the possibility is quite substantial.

At one point, Global Head of Diversity Recruiting Reggie McGahee allegedly told Newman he had become the most hated student McGahee had seen during his tenure at the university, according to the suit. The reason for the hatred generated by Newman is not clear.

When Newman raised concerns over his treatment to school administrators, the law school’s dean allegedly denied that White students at Howard Law, and Newman in particular, faced racial discrimination to any degree. There will be difficulty on Newman's part to prove that his claims are true, and this is, let us never forget, Black History Month.

Following discussions of Newman’s purported racial insensitivity, students learned of a tweet from Newman’s private Twitter account that included a picture of a slave baring his badly scarred back with the caption, “But we don’t know what he did before the picture was taken,” according to the lawsuit.


Newman claimed the tweet was mocking commentators who “attempt to explain away videos of police brutality by claiming the victim must have committed wrongdoing before the video started.” He alleged that students responded with references to his race, gender, sexual preference, age and personal appearance. [H/T NY Post]

I don't know about you, but if I was attending a Black University as a White person, the topic of race would be off the table in all forms of communication.

The court documents claim the trouble began when the pandemic caused the university to shift over to remote learning. Therefore the communication by students was through online forums only and GroupMe chats, according to Newman.

After a symposium featured a Black speaker in the run-up to the 2020 election, Newman said he posted on a professor’s forum page asking if further dialogue could be had on “whether: (1) black voters didn’t question turning to government for solutions, and (2) reliably voting for the same party every election disincentivized both parties from responding to the needs of the black communities.”

Some students responded negatively to Newman’s post and reached out to school administrators, prompting Newman’s removal from one of his group chats for the class, according to the allegations.

Newman also described feeling “utterly disenfranchised” at the school and compared himself to a black student at a primarily white university. The student response was again largely negative, with some calling his comment “offensive,” he claimed.

Newman, who appears to be a horrible communicator, repeatedly apologized for offending anyone, stressing he was seeking to “learn, not just law, but to learn the thoughts and experiences of people of color,” the lawsuit stated.

The attorneys representing Newman filed the suit in federal court.

Newman’s lawyers will try to prove the school broke its contract with Newman, a student who attended on a scholarship, after a series of incidents and accusations led to multiple review panels and hearings that resulted in his expulsion, according to the lawsuit.

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I'm not sure if Newman is a racist, but I don't believe so. I believe true racists would not attend a school where their race was in the vast minority. But I'm certainly not certain and welcome your opinions.

Peace out.

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