Monday, September 23, 2019

Woman bites camel's junk at petting zoo

Perhaps she thought it was a biting zoo rather than a petting zoo, but a woman bit a camel's snow globes at a Louisiana truck stop petting zoo  and was cited for criminal trespassing, according to reports.

The woman is a Florida resident and was chasing her dog when she crawled into Caspar’s enclosure at the Tiger Truck Stop on I-10 in Grosse Tete, The Baton Rouge Advocate reported Sunday. Caspar is the friendly camel whose biznads were chomped on by the woman.

She told deputies she bit the 600-pound beast when he sat on her and it was obvious what she needed to do to escape.

“She said: ‘I bit his balls to get him off of me, I bit his testicles to get him off of me,’” Iberville Parish Deputy Louis Hamilton Jr. told the paper.

Forgetting about the woes of the camel, the woman was brought to a hospital, perhaps for a chipped tooth, but maybe not.

Deputies gave her and her husband summonses on the trespassing charge and for not having their dog on a leash, according to The Advocate.

“The camel did nothing wrong,” Hamilton told the paper. “They were aggressive. The camel was just doing its normal routine” [which is to sit on intruders until help arrives.]

The truck stop once featured a tiger, causing a bit of controversy. "I'd like to see her bite that tiger's wrinkle purse," Joseph Blowe said.

Pamela Bossier, the truck stop manager, said the tiger had never attacked anyone, nor have the zoo’s other wild animals, including Caspar. In fact, they had a monkey who used to help pump gas but was fired for flinging its feces at customers who tried to pump their own gas.

“He’s really a gentle giant,” Bossier told the paper referring to the camel.

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