Friday, August 25, 2017

"Anyone who shouts 'Allahu Akbar' will be shot

Venice -- Police in Venice, Italy have been instructed to shoot potential terrorists on sight. The mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, ordered them to target anyone shouting "Allahu Akbar" which is Arabic for Allah is greater [than your God]. That's what Islamic terrorists often scream, and it's often their last words as they blow themselves up into convenient bite-size pieces.

Mayor Brugnaro revealed that order at a summer think tank and his delegates applauded him.

"Anyone who shouts Allahu Akbar in St. Mark's Square can expect to be gunned down by snipers within four paces," Brugnaro said. 

"We need to increase our security when it comes to terrorism. We had four would be terrorists arrested in Venice a few months ago who wanted to blow up the Rialto bridge," he said. "They said they wanted to go and meet Allah so we will send them straight to Allah without have to throw them off the bridge, we will just shoot them."

The cry "Allahu Akbar" was first used by the terrorist Prophet of Islam Muhammad in the Seventh Century before he slaughtered his enemies, or everyone who refused to follow him and call him a prophet or was carrying booty and/or women he could make his sex slaves.

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