Thursday, January 26, 2017

Drew Carey's kid says he helped start a fire at protest

Comedian Drew Carey's 11-year-old son, Connor Carey, is reportedly the young anarchist in a Fox News video of an inauguration rally where other anarchists were seen burning signs.

Connor happily told Fox News' Griff Jenkins that he "kind of started this fire" because "I felt it and because I'm saying 'screw our president.'"

It was TMZ who reported the child in the video was Drew Carey's son, but Carey's representative could not immediately verify that the little anarchist in the video was indeed the 58-year-old Carey's son. However, a photo on Instagram 'kind of erases most doubt.'

Drew Carey meanwhile emceed the Veterans Inaugural Ball: Salute to Heroes. It was hosted by The American Legion on Inauguration Day.

Drew Carey apparently wasn't aware of his kid's participation in the protest that night--so the question is "Why?" The child is eleven. Who was watching him?

According to TMZ, Carey told them he was "just having dinner with my kid down the street" and the tyke wanted to see the protest.

So did Carey let the child go unaccompanied? Now that's a stupid parenting decision. 

Supposedly, Connor "regretted his words" after speaking with his parents, who claimed to be upset with the kid's behavior. 

Did they teach their children well?

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