Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Perfunctory POTUS

Eighty Yazidi men were slaughtered today by ISIS, but President Obama assures us that there is nothing to worry about--he has everything under control. Well, I know 80 people who no longer have anything to worry about thanks to Obama's perfunctory intervention. In addition to the murders, ISIS kidnapped the women and boys from the town.

The worst part of it all, as far as Obama is concerned, is that it interrupted his golf game.

Barack Obama has ordered "targeted airstrikes" to disturb the onslaught of the slaughterers in Iraq as they push on to slaughter non-Muslims and establish their caliphate. Obama calls these airstrikes "targeted" but what they really are is "limited." With the exception of carpet-bombing, all airstrikes are targeted.

Mr. Obama only wants limited airstrikes because he doesn't want his voting base to view him as a "hawk." Unfortunately for Obama, people are beginning to view him as a community organizer and not much else. He certainly doesn't appear to be a serious Commander in Chief.

Regarding Israel and Hamas, it appears that Obama favors the terrorists, but he perfunctorily has to say that any country being attacked with rockets has the right to defend itself. But he has also said that he would like to see Israel go back to its 1967 borders where it would be virtually impossible for them to defend themselves.

Our perfunctory POTUS has said that he will bring the nation together. "There is no red America. There is no blue America. There is the United States of America." We can see how well that's working out for us.

With the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, President Obama made the perfunctory remarks about how we need to be non-violent, etc., etc. Then he went on to practically accuse the police of murdering Brown before the facts are in and before a trial has taken place. And it's always a white on black situation in which he goes public, never a black on white or black on black. He reminds me of a certain black so-called "Reverend."

It is when the president can divide us that he stops being perfunctory and starts showing his true self. Thankfully this is his final term, but if Hillary somehow gets elected, we will have had two consecutive Alinsky leftists running the show. 

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