Saturday, August 16, 2014

Arab Press Can't Believe Muslims Don't Speak Out Against ISIS

The Arab press is attacking the Islamic State terrorists for making the rest of Islam look bad. Many Muslim leaders and Arab pundits are calling the "actions" of IS "cancerous," and that it makes other Islamic jihad terrorism pale in comparison.

Muslim imams and other members of the so-called "religion of peace", such as the the Ayatollah, Osama bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki, Imad Mughniyah, Hassan Izz-Al-Din, Ali Atwa, Abdul Rahman Yasin, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Mughassil, Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie, Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub, Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser, Mohammed Atef, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil, Ahmed Ghailani, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan, Anas al-Liby, Saif al-Adel, Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali and Mushin Musa Matwali Atwah, to name just a few, were criticized in the past for not condemning terrorist acts against innocent civilians. 

All these terrorists had to say for themselves was that nobody who refuses to worship Allah is innocent. They added, "How do I know? The Koran tells me so." Okay, I added that--it comes from an old spiritual song.

But an editorial in Al-Quds Al-Arabi based in London (where English soldiers are beheaded on the street and there are 'no go' zones galore) called on moderate Muslims to denounce ISIS. "All we have to do to understand the high price that Muslims pay on all levels [for such actions] is to see how Westerners snatch up [such reports on] ISIS's conquests, invasions and despicable actions, and share them on social media in order to tarnish the image of Islam," the editorial read. "We haven't heard one single voice in the camp of moderate Islam condemning taking women prisoner or expropriating peaceful citizen's property and money of ISL in Mosul, or any who distanced themselves from the shocking fatwas that seem to be carefully formulated for [maximum] service to the enemy."

I take issue on that statement. We Westerners don't "snatch up" reports on "ISIS's conquests, invasions and despicable actions" to share them on social media in order to "tarnish the image of Islam;" we put them on social media to DESCRIBE Islam. Some of us even quote the Koran to show why terrorism is taking place in the world. It's part of jihad and the caliphate. Who spoke out against the fatwah on Salman Rushdie for writing Satanic Verses? The same self-righteous Arab press who wrote this editorial said nothing.

Young Muslims do not stand up against ISIS, many actually leave their family to join the terrorist group. And to refer to ISIS as "militants" gives them credibility of purpose. They are terrorists, plain and simple. They kill people who don't view religion, freedom or democracy the same way as they do, and they are totally intolerant.

But it isn't only Muslims who refuse to make their voices heard, it's all the PC liberals, the gays, the women's organizations who pretend to advocate for women the world over. When GLAAD takes a serious stand against Iran hanging gays, when NOW takes a stand about the stoning of women for myriad reasons, then I'll change my tune.

The Associated Press claims that CAIR, "the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the United States has also rebuked the militants and repudiated those who encourage Americans and others to join extremist groups." But CAIR is as much for civil rights for Muslims as they are for defending Israel's right to exist--not at all.

CAIR has been designated as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trials and many of its leaders are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization whose charter clearly states "It is in the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet." Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder.

"American Muslims view the actions of ISIS as un-Islamic and morally repugnant," CAIR said. "No religion condones the murder of civilians, the beheading of religious scholars or the desecration of houses of worship. We condemn the actions of ISIS and reject its assertion that all Muslims are required to pay allegiance to its leader."

But the Koran, Islam's most "holy" book, says: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." (Koran 2:216) 

Maybe CAIR isn't being straight with us. I don't mean to imply that they're being homosexual with us by not being straight, homosexuality is un-Islamic and merits death.

There are 109 verses that call for Muslims to fight non-believers in Islam. There are also plenty of examples in the Hadith, or biography of Mohammed, the prophet of the religion of peace, but you get the point.

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