Friday, August 15, 2014

Michael Brown and New Facts

The rioting over the shooting of Michael Brown has slowed in the not so sleepy town of Ferguson, MO. Michael, an 18 year old 6 foot 4 inch, 292 pound black man was shot and killed by a police officer who was until today, not identified by Ferguson Police for his own protection.

Witnesses said that Michael was stopped by the officer, had his hands in the air, and was shot several times. I had difficulty believing this story when I first heard it because while it could happen, it didn't make any sense. 

So who was Michael Brown?

For sure, according to all media reports that I heard, Michael Brown seemed like such a nice kid, kind of like Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was that young man who was murdered by a white Hispanic named George Zimmerman and who looked like President Obama's non-existing son. Michael was to go to college in a week or so, and who knows what accomplishments he could have given to the world--maybe even winning a Nobel Peace Prize like Mr. Obama and Yassar Arafat. Maybe a prize in physics.

But Michael Brown will never win anything because they don't give out Nobel Peace Prizes or even prizes in Physics posthumously.

The very right Reverend Al Sharpton made a beeline to Ferguson to jump on the No Justice, No Peace bandwagon. This is a wagon pulled by white liberals who see themselves as heroes of the black struggle in America. Reverend Sharpton (who I`ve never actually seen him in a photo in church) marched with Michael`s mother and led protesters, in a march against "The Man." Also in attendance were leaders of the New Black Panthers--you remember them--they intimidated white voters in Philadelphia at a polling place when Obama was running for president. Unfortunately, even though it was clearly shown on video, Department of Justice head, Eric Holder said there wasn't enough to make a case as long as he's in charge.

Well anyway, it seems as though Michael Brown may not have been as innocent as witnesses described. It now appears that Michael was killed after a robbery of a convenience store in which he was suspected of trying to make off with a box of cigars after pushing a clerk out of the way as he made his exit. There are photos to corroborate this, but if Eric Holder gets involved, this may not be enough to exonerate the cop, now identified as Darren Wilson, who was apparently trying to do his job.

Wilson has been on the force 6 years and has an unblemished record. Police say the shot that killed Brown was fired after a struggle that was ignited by the officer confronting Brown--that's what I mean by doing his job.

But because Brown was Black and Wilson is white, even President Barack Obama had to chime in and say things about the Ferguson Police before any of the facts are in. Of course, this proves my point about liberals not needing facts to make claims.

Now I realize that the story isn't over and all the facts are not in, but I'm happy I trusted my sense of logic and didn't jump to conclusions like those people in Ferguson, MO.

 It looks like it was a righteous shooting, but I will wait to find out, unlike some reverends, lawyers and presidents I know who tend to lead with their behinds.

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