Sunday, August 10, 2014

ISIS, Wahhabism and Bowing to a Wahhabi King

A question was asked by the media: Is the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) here in the USA? The people who answered it were uncertain, but they strongly believed that it would just be a matter of time before they made their presence known. An IS leader promised that the flag of IS will fly over the White House.

So, is IS here?

My answer: probably to some degree, but even if they aren't here yet, the mosques will grow them. We stopped monitoring the mosques because it offended Muslims who wanted whatever goes on in them to be kept private. We know that imam's have been recruiting their impressionable, angry youth for jihad, but organizations like CAIR, who are funded by the Muslim Brotherhood (a favorite of Obama's), deny any connection and demand a "hands-off" policy for our police.

We have the seeds of ISIS right here in the USA. You see them at the anti-Israel protests. You see them on the college campuses where their leftist, America-hating professors fill the empty heads of these naive anarchists while their campus colleagues of the Muslim Students Association talks to them about Islam. Many of these kids buy into the garbage and convert. It's cool, and the chicks get to wear stylish hijabs and pretend they're more devout than their Christian counterparts.

What these buffoons don't realize is that what they take for granted, their freedom, their decision-making, will be taken away from them if there ever became a world caliphate (G-d forbid).

The Islamic State will demand a Wahhabi lifestyle of all those people they allow to live. To my Jewish friends, make sure you only buy ripe bananas.

Wahhabism is a branch of Islam that can be described as "orthodox," "fundamentalist," or "ultraconservative." I describe it as barbaric, intolerant and misogynistic. Its goal is to return to the literal interpretation of the Koran and Hadith and not as mainstream Islam is reinterpreting it. It is inspired by the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, both medieval camel jockeys.

Most Wahhabis are from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar (which some pronounce "Cutter" because they're trying to sound cool like those college kids who are only as cool as their professors say they are).

What isn't cool about Wahhabism is that it allows fellow Wahhabis to label the rest of the world, including other Muslims, as apostates, and thus undeserving of having a pulse. In fact, in 2013, the European Parliament declared the Wahhabi movement to be the source of global terrorism, and with the lack of courage we have noted from Europe, that's a big thing. Even other Muslims fear Wahhabis.

So next time you see President Obama bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, know that he's merely trying to ensure a future for himself by avoiding a beheading. (Do you know that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen and Iran are the only countries where beheadings are perfectly legal?) 

Just because Obama is the first American president to bow before a king doesn't make him any less of a president--wait--yes it does.

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