Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kamala serves a salad with those fries, still has no answers to questions

Vice President and Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris, donned a pair of Keds (or whatever brand is still selling sneakers that look like Keds), as she was "interviewed" by Brian Taff and asked about her plan to bring down prices. 

"What are one or two specific things you have in mind," Taff asked the clueless cackler about her plan, in her first solo interview since her nomination two months ago. She still has no idea how to answer that question because she is clueless so she just used words, one after the other, in a salad that made no sense in terms of the question.

"Well, look, I was raised in a middle-class neighborhood..." Okay, and what is your plan to lower prices?

She went on and on for three minutes and never once touched on how she plans to lower prices because she has no plan and if elected, will only be a Party puppet, like her current demented boss. Spouting her bio and spewing clichés such as "opportunity economy" several times, doesn't cut it with intelligent voters. Tax credits for new businesses was another thought that came to mind but was quickly followed by her biography again. She never once mentioned prices or the Biden-Harris inflation.

Harris' "new way forward" implies that she and Biden weren't in charge of the nation for the past three and a half years. Taff noted this and asked, "Some people wonder how different you are from Joe Biden."

"I offer a new generation of leadership," Harris said, being as vague as possible. Then she began returning to her substance insipid go-to staple about an "opportunity economy,"

Her inability to express anything tangible about what her plans or policies would be if elected in cringeworthy and disturbing. You got to see the video.

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