Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kamala Harris puts last minute policies on her website: pass the salad dressing

Well the debate is here tonight and now the tire meets the road. Kamala Harris had been blowing smoke in our faces and elsewhere, but now she has finally put some "policies" on her website after hiding it from us for months. I use scare quotes for the word 'policies' because they don't tell us anything other than the fact that the woman running for President of the United States is a terrible candidate and a fraud who has failed to do show-and-tell as to what her positions are and has been "doing a Joe Biden" from the public.

So let's get on with her latest word salads posted on her website:
Vice President Harris will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to protect U.S. forces and interests from Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups. Vice President Harris will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and she will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. She and President Biden are working to end the war in Gaza, such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination. She and President Biden are working around the clock to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done.

From advising on tough decisions in the Oval Office and the Situation Room, to serving on the Senate Select Committee on the Intelligence, to going after transnational criminal organizations as California’s Attorney General, Vice President Harris brings extensive national security experience—and it’s no surprise more than 350 foreign policy and national security experts have endorsed her.
This brings to mind several questions.

First, what actions will she take to protect our forces and interests from [?] Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups? And furthermore, what are our 'interests' are we protecting 'from' Iran et al.?

Secondly, Israel's right to defend itself is a given. What does Harris specifically mean by standing up for its right to defend itself? That is, what does 'standing up' translate to be? How far will she go to that end?

Thirdly, what is she and President Biden doing to end the war in Gaza, and what is she and Biden doing to get the hostages released beyond saying they will? More importantly, why is she more concerned about the 'suffering' of the Palestinian people' than what Hamas has done to the Israeli people? It's a fact that the vast majority of the so called Palestinian people support Hamas and their "journey" to annihilate Israel and the Jews. And c'mon now; does she really think we believe that she and Biden are "working around the clock to get a hostage deal?

Fourth and lastly, how is the fact that she was last person in the room with Biden when they decided to pull our troops out of Afghanistan the way they did, a good thing? 

There is no plan here, only a political advertisement that says nothing tangible about what she would do if, heaven forbid, she becomes president.

But wait; there's more empty balderdash.
As President, she will direct her Administration to crack down on anti-competitive practices that let big corporations jack up prices and undermine the competition that allows all businesses to thrive while keeping prices low for consumers. And she will go after bad actors who exploit an emergency to rip off consumers by calling for the first-ever federal ban on corporate price gouging on food and groceries, which will build on the anti-price gouging statutes already in place in 37 states.

Just as she did as Vice President, she will take on Big Pharma to lower drug prices and cap insulin costs, not just for seniors but for all Americans. And she’ll keep fighting to bring down prescription drug costs by taking on pharmacy middlemen, who raise consumers’ prices for their own gain and squeeze independent pharmacies’ profits.
What is her plan to crack down on "anti-competitive practices." She gives no examples of "price gouging" and her babble sounds like cocktail talk at the Bernie Sanders' honeymoon in Russia. Insofar as groceries are concerned, the profit margins are very low and tell us please, which grocery stores and producers are doing the "price gouging." We have federal laws to fight that already in existence.

Then Harris claims that she is going to be "taking on the pharmacy middlemen." How will she do that and what does it even mean? We don't know because she doesn't explain her points.

Her entire platform on lowering costs is just a bunch vague bull crap disconnected to any policy ideas.

Regarding Social Security, this is the lie that Harris told.
Vice President Harris will protect Social Security and Medicare against relentless attacks from Donald Trump and his extreme allies. She will strengthen Social Security and Medicare for the long haul by making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes. She will always fight to ensure that Americans can count on getting the benefits they earned.
Former President Trump never said that he wanted to cut or even touch Social Security--it was never on the table.  On the contrary, Trump has been criticized from the right because he doesn't want to do anything to fix the program before it careens off the fiscal cliff. 

Nevertheless, Harris' plan to save Social Security is to raise taxes. Not a good plan because the nation's billionaires could be taxed a hundred percent and that wouldn't save it. Harris is hoping the American public is too stupid to see through this lie.

The website went on to brag about the Inflation Reduction Act, which turned out to be an oxymoron. It increased inflation and destroyed jobs while never creating those 'high-quality clean energy jobs" that were promised.
As Attorney General, Kamala Harris won tens of millions in settlements against Big Oil and held polluters accountable. As Vice President, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate action in history. This historic work is lowering household energy costs, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality clean energy jobs, and building a thriving clean energy economy, all while ensuring America’s energy security and independence with record energy production. As President, she will unite Americans to tackle the climate crisis as she builds on this historic work, advances environmental justice, protects public lands and public health, increases resilience to climate disasters, lowers household energy costs, creates millions of new jobs, and continues to hold polluters accountable to secure clean air and water for all. As the Vice President said at the international climate conference, COP28, she knows that meeting this global challenge will require global cooperation and she is committed to continuing and building upon the United States’ international climate leadership. She and Governor Walz will always fight for the freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.
 The Inflation Reduction Act was a worthless clusterfrack [sic] that has accomplished essentially nothing but giving the IRS a bunch of money to waste, collecting a fraction back with new enforcement. Her pretense of uniting the country against climate change is simply a bunch of empty pretentious words. 

She says nothing and does nothing. Her assignment as "border czar" is a clear example of that. The words that come out of her cackling mouth are just the same garbage the Left has been spouting for years. There is nothing new or thought out, but the Democrats are hoping that your 'joy' will overcome your intelligence.

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