Saturday, September 7, 2024

Democrat Gov. and stolen valor perp regrets not correcting interviewers who said he's a Bronze Star recipient

Democratic Maryland Governor Wes Moore is more or less regretful [after being outed] over allowing interviewers to call him a Bronze Star recipient when he did not receive such an award, nor had he ever received even a plastic star.

The Democrat served as an Army captain in Afghanistan and when he included a Bronze Star in his 2006 application for a White House fellowship, his critics were suspicious and the New York Times filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Afterward, in at least two interviews where he was identified as a Bronze Star recipient, Moore did not correct them and has now been labeled the recipient of stolen valor.

"It was an honest mistake that I made nearly 20 years ago, and I own it," Moore claimed in a Fox News Digital interview Friday. Mistake? If someone called you a Bronze Star recipient, wouldn't you correct them? When you know you didn't receive a Bronze Star, how is it a "mistake" not to correct the person who says you did?

"When I was just coming back from a combat deployment, when I was now being thrust into a national media that I'd never been in before, when I was still very much dealing with a lot of the consequences of conflict," he continued. "Should I have, in a long introduction, gone back and said something? In retrospect, I probably should have… And I take responsibility for that." 

Probably? Even now he's trying to minimize the fact that he perpetrated stolen valor.

Moore was misidentified as a Bronze Star recipient in a 2008 interview by the late "PBS NewsHour" host Gwen Ifill and in a 2010 interview with comedian Stephen Colbert on "The Colbert Report." On the other hand, Colbert has often been misidentified as a comedian.

Moore remains proud of his service and said his love for the country is "undying."

"I joined the military when I was 17 years old. I chose to raise my hand and serve with the uniform of this country, the flag of the country on my shoulder, and to serve with one of the most elite units in the entire United States military," Moore said. "I led soldiers, I led paratroopers in combat, and I was rated as a top 1% officer. My senior rater said I was the best lieutenant that they worked with in all of Operation Enduring Freedom, in the entire Afghanistan campaign."

"I am deeply proud of my service. I'm deeply proud of the work that we did. I'm deeply proud of the work that I did, that I'm doing now to support veterans and veterans' families now as the governor of Maryland. And I will always do that, and I will always be very proud of the service I did," he added, but not mentioning the make believe Bronze Medal.

But with Democrats like Moore and Tim Walz, it's SOP [Standard Operating Procedure].

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