Friday, September 20, 2024

New Tolerance Campaign offers $1 million to Queers for Palestine to hold parade in Gaza

A U.S.-based watchdog organization called The New Tolerance Campaign (NTC) made a one million dollar offer on Monday to "Queers for Palestine" as well as any LGBTQ organization to host a Gay Pride Parade in Gaza or Judea and Samaria.

“This isn’t a joke. It’s not a publicity stunt. Our offer is real,” Gregory T. Angelo, the organization's president said in a statement on the group's website. 

Angelo, who is gay, is also the former president of Log Cabin Republicans.

“For the past year, we’ve seen so-called ‘Queers for Palestine’ and allied LGBTQ organizations insist that the Palestinian territories are ‘inclusive’—well, here’s their chance to prove it. We’re willing to put our money where their mouths are to underwrite a Gay Pride Parade in Gaza or the West Bank.”


NTC has received commitments for the $1 million prize, which is being offered to potential parade organizers. The offer is good for the next six months, until March 16, 2025, but there's a better chance for a gay person to get hit by lightning, twice, at 12 noon in Times Square on New Year's Day.

NTC said it had attempted to publicize the campaign with full-page ads in The New York Times, The Washington Post and USA Today. All three newspapers declined, citing safety concerns and the fact that they're cowards.

Times Square in New York City also declined to run the ad, saying the buildings displaying it could become targets of violence, which kind of proves the point, doesn't it.

NTC then began circulating mobile billboards on Monday around Columbia University on the Upper West Side of New York City; the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C.; and the University of California, Los Angeles.

The mobile billboards will run through Wednesday. Additional dates may be announced, the organization said.

“The campaign will also allow everyday Americans to send messages directly to the senior leadership of the Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, the LGBTQ Task Force, and Advocates for Trans Equality encouraging them to actually fight for LGBTQ rights rather than taking a political stance against the only gay-friendly country in the Middle East, Israel,” NTC’s website stated.

“This project highlights the lack of human rights for the LGBTQ community in Palestine while noting LGBTQ people live freely in Israel. It also has the potential to be a breakthrough moment for pluralism and peace throughout the Arab world,” said Angelo.

According to the rules of the challenge, the recipient group must be a recognized U.S. 501(c)(3) organization; the parade march must be at least one kilometer (approximately half a mile) in length and on a major street; and include at least 200 participants, 80% of whom must be Palestinian, and from Judea and Samaria or Gaza.

In addition, participants must outwardly “show” LGBTQ pride symbols or dress, including but not limited to rainbow flags, trans flags, full leather outfits, or drag.

At least half of the parade signs must be in Arabic and the parade filmed by NTC just to avoid any confusion among the members of the religion of peace who will view the parade and may get more involved.

Newsom sued over bill barring schools from informing parents their child is 'transitioning'

Greasy-hair Democrat Gov. of California Gavin Newsom is being sued over Assembly Bill 1955 which bars schools from notifying parents that their child wants to change their sex. Also, the school must refer to the child by their preferred pronouns [as a way to promote modern gender identity issues whereby contemporary movements and interpretations within communist frameworks would advocate for them as part of a push for social justice and equality].

Newsom signed the bill into law on July 15 this year.

The bill states
“This bill would prohibit school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools, and a member of the governing board or body of those educational entities, from enacting or enforcing any policy, rule, or administrative regulation that requires an employee or a contractor to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of those educational entities from being required to make such a disclosure unless otherwise required by law, as provided.”
America First Legal, which is suing Newsom, stated
“This law is an attack on fundamental parental rights. It prevents school districts from requiring parental notification if their child begins to exhibit gender confusion, such as by requesting to be called by a name and pronoun of the opposite sex. The law does not set an age limit—schools cannot notify parents even if preschoolers are being socially ‘transitioned.’ It also prevents schools from disciplining employees who are initiating or facilitating social ‘transitioning,’ which courts have recognized is a type of medical intervention or treatment that medical professionals have recognized can inflict serious short-term and long-term harm.
“This law violates the 14th Amendment, which guarantees the rights of parents to make decisions about their minor children regarding all medical treatment—in this case, social ‘transitioning,’” Fit parents are presumed to act in the best interest of their child. The government cannot intervene in their relationship simply because it does not like the parents’ decision. Whether a child socially ‘transitions’ or announces their sexuality is a personal and private issue, not an educational issue or one to be decided by the government. The State of California is thus intruding in a very personal, private matter—communication on one of the most intimate of topics between a parent and child—in violation of the U.S. Constitution.”
This isn't the first time we've seen leftists trying to get parents from being involved with their children's life-altering choices. In September 2022, the AFL sued the Eau Claire Area School District, Wisconsin, over its policy of “hiding critical information regarding a child’s health from his or her parents.” And in November 2023, the AFL sued Mesa Public Schools for promoting “gender transitions” of students without alerting their parents.

These are the folks who want the government to raise your children because by doing so, they can mold your child into an obedient servant of the state.

Hello George Orwell.

Rutgers U. President leaving office after spring term after anti-Semitism complaints

Rutgers University president [Go Scarlet Knights!] Jonathan Holloway will be leaving his job at the end of this academic year due to his lack of courage and leadership amidst the blatant anti-Semitism on campus.

Holloway gave his perfunctory words in a letter on Tuesday in which he bragged about the accomplishments of his administration. “Serving as the university president has been an enormous privilege and responsibility,” he wrote.  “Throughout my tenure, I have been appreciative of the former and respectful of the latter. I welcomed the opportunity to join the Rutgers community in July 2020 because I found inspiration in the possibilities that this institution represented.”

Holloway said he thinks Rutgers University is stronger and more respected now than it was before he became president in 2020. He mentioned that the school received about $970 million in research grants while he has been president.

However, Holloway’s supposed lack of attention to the concerns of Jewish students about the rising antisemitism on the New Brunswick campus, which The Algemeiner has reported on many times, has put a negative mark on his leadership record.

Holloway initially wavered on the issue in 2021. His administration first denounced antisemitism, but then, three days later, apologized for it in a statement that said their earlier stance "failed to communicate support for our Palestinian community members.”

The Jewish community was as angry as wasps in a jar while Holloway was in charge of official communications. He issued a third statement on May 29, 2021 and was the sole signee. “We have not, nor would we ever, apologize for standing against antisemitism,” he wrote.

In the coming years, Rutgers experienced a series of antisemitic hate crimes on its campus. For three consecutive years, someone threw eggs at the home of Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi), a Jewish fraternity. Jewish students reported facing verbal abuse and having their property vandalized, including several incidents of tire slashing. After Hamas's massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7, the university's Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter celebrated the deaths of Jews, and a sympathizer on campus even called for the murder of a Jewish AEPi member, urging someone to "go kill him." In 2022, a caravan of SJP members drove to AEPi’s house, shouting antisemitic slurs and spitting in the direction of the fraternity members.

Rutgers Hillel criticized the administration for not addressing antisemitism properly. They pointed out that antisemitism wasn't included in a 2021 symposium on ethnic and racial hatred. Rutgers Hillel commented, "Jews don't count. This repeated erasure of Jewish concerns and identity is painful and bewildering to every member of the Rutgers Jewish community.”

The broader community, including non-Jewish members, also held a low opinion of Holloway. In 2023, he failed a no confidence vote with an 89-47 result. This came after a faculty strike, tough contract talks, and the dismissal of the chancellor at the university's Newark campus, as reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer. Subsequently, the Yale Daily News noted that Holloway was noticeably absent from faculty senate meetings. One professor mentioned that Holloway seemed to handle challenges with the attitude of an Ivy League elitist.

“He has consistently shown contempt for and disdain for the people who do the work of the university,” Rutgers English professor Jim Brown told the Yale Daily News. “He has shown little interest in the working or learning conditions of students, staff, and faculty at all Rutgers campuses.”

Some speculated that Holloway was simply waiting for the opportunity to become Yale University’s first Black president, a position he likely saw as the ultimate peak of his career. An anonymous faculty member told the News, “I think he would see Yale as the pinnacle of his personal achievements. So yeah, I don’t think he wants to stick around at this public university any longer than he has to.”

Holloway was reportedly a top candidate to replace Peter Salovey as president after Salovey's retirement in 2024. However, Yale picked someone else, Maurie McInnis, just a week after Holloway made a controversial appearance at a US congressional hearing about campus antisemitism. This hearing was a chance for Holloway to show his leadership skills and his stance against political extremism and hate, but it didn't go well.

During the hearing, Holloway seemed to defend the organizers of a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” comparing them to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by saying that King was also unpopular in his time. This comparison caused quite a stir. Holloway also hesitated to answer a question on whether he believes Israel is a “genocidal” country, only saying that Israel has a right to defend itself. Later on, he clarified that he does not think Israel is genocidal.

Responding to Holloway's announcement of his resignation, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said Holloway should not wait until summer to leave office.

“Jonathan Holloway must resign in disgrace immediately for allowing antisemitic mobs to repeatedly target and threaten the safety of Jewish students, surrendering to the pro-Hamas encampment on campus, and continuing to employ antisemitic and terror-supporting faculty and staff,” she said.

Holloway said on Tuesday that he has “plenty to do before I complete my term,” adding, “I remain focused on that work, especially that which is committed to the connections between Rutgers and civic preparedness and civil discourse. But whatever the topic, I remain steadfast in my belief that Rutgers is on the rise and is earning the respect it has long deserved. I look forward to seeing it flourish in the years ahead.”

Good riddance.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Anti-Semite Congresswoman finds exploding Hezbollah pager memes 'disgusting'

Will all those who admit to wanting to kill all Jews, kindly hold up your signs

Some people were laughing, some people were amazed at the ingenuity, and some people were disgusted when Hezbollah became Hezballess after thousands of the terrorist pagers exploded, killing 9 thus far and injuring many, many more. That's what the terrorists get when switching to flip phones and pagers, all in the hope of avoiding Israel's technological advances in surveillance.

Thousands of pagers exploding in the pants pockets of Hezbollah terrorists all over Lebanon. You'd better believe there were memes; we collected some of the best. [H/T Twitchy]

And more: 
Another… sign in Lebanon right now….— TheRifleman (@TheRifleman11)
Those who are upset with Israel for taking the initiative in the war, only pretended to be upset on Oct. 7 when Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped 253 because they came out like roaches when the lights came on the next day to protest those, you know, Jews, who began to fight back. 

One Jew-hating piece of human waste was Rep[ulsive] Rashida Tlaib, a member of the Hamasshole caucus calling Israel's response in the war against Hezbollah and Hamas, the "crass memefication of Israeli terrorism" disgusting.

She never spoke about the hostages being held by Hamas, many of whom were executed in captivity, but she had a lot to say against Israel fighting back.
Disgusting.— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) September 17, 2024

People responded even more so. 
Disgusting is terrorist who launched rockets and killed 12 children in Israel. But you didn’t condemn that, right?— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) September 17, 2024

So to hell with her anti-Semitic sentiments and disgust, I've posted a few memes that should purge her belly:

And this which comes directly from Twitchy:

Here's a cute one:

May the force be with Israel:

And a way hello and goodbye:

My feeling is that if anyone at the top of Hezbollah's pile of human excrement is reading this, you probably left your pager or flip phone home.

Rashida Tlaib is a horrible person who should not be in political office, but her constituents voted her in again because they share her disgusting sentiment about Israel and the Jews.

Am Yisrael Chai.

USSS said they would 'take care of' slanted roof building Crooks used to shoot Trump

According to an investigation by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Secret Service agents assured Butler County, PA law enforcement that they would secure the AGR building with the scary slanted roof that would-be assassin Thomas Crooks used to shoot former President Donald Trump and others on July 13, Fox News reported.

"Butler County law enforcement officials stated that at separate times during the walkthrough, when they reiterated their concerns to the agents and counter sniper about securing the AGR complex buildings, the agents responded: ‘we will take care of it,’" Grassley's office revealed in a Tuesday letter to Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe.

So who's lying? Butler County PD or the Secret Service whose job it is to protect the President, presidential candidates and others and who ultimately has the responsibility to that end in spite of having assistance from outside agencies?

Trump came within millimeters of being struck in the head during the outdoor rally, and three others in the massive crowd were struck and critically injured, one of whom, Corey Comperatore, was killed by the gunman who was perched merely 130 yards from the Republican presidential nominee.

The shooter was known to law enforcement and he was observed ahead of the event with a range finder but did not call attention to himself because his shirt was not labeled 'Assassin.'

Grassley questioned Rowe whether the Butler County law enforcement officials' claim is true and, if so, what the Secret Service did to secure the area with the AGR complex buildings. He also noted weeks prior to the first assassination attempt that Rowe told his fellow senators during a hearing that "what was communicated is that the locals had a plan and that they had been there before," regarding the roof the AGR building.

Sen. Grassley's staff interviewed law enforcement officials and said that this was disputed by them.

During a walkthrough on July 11, while preparing for the rally, Secret Service agents allegedly promised to secure the AGR complex area. The law enforcement officials said they had already warned the agents about their safety concerns several times during the visit.

The Republican again mentioned his many requests for information to the Secret Service, and noted that at least two of his requests resulted in claims "that it would not provide responses to my requests due to other ongoing investigations and reviews."

"That’s unacceptable and fails to take into consideration Congress’s constitutional authority to conduct independent oversight. It also flies in the face of your congressional testimony about responding to Congress," Grassley charged.

Senator Grassley's ongoing independent investigation is delving into several critical incidents, such as the assassination attempt on July 13. Additionally, he is examining the recently uncovered plot by Asif Merchant, an alleged Iranian agent, who intended to assassinate a politician or a U.S. official, potentially former President Trump. Another focus of Grassley's probe is the second assassination attempt on Trump, which occurred in Florida on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Biden and Harris are supposedly running the country.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ISIS Head Eliminated in Iraq

He's in a better place now, what with his rivers of wine, the pretty young boys, and the 72 virgin goats. 

i24News reported that US military along with Iraqi forces killed Abu Ali Al-Tunisi [his pronouns are was, were, gone] an senior commander with the Islamic State terrorist organization. 

Al-Tunisi, who was wanted by the United States and along with several other terrorist fighters, was killed Iraqi military said on Friday.

This belies a claim by Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris that there are no U.S. military personnel serving in any war zones under the Biden-Harris administration. In other words, Harris lied about it in the debate this month against Donald Trump, and ABC News did not challenge the lie as they were told not to do.

The operation in Iraq’s western Anbar province began in late August, the Iraqi military said, and also involved members of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service and Iraq’s air force, not to mention US military personnel who Harris claimed did not exist in a war zone.

Al-Tunisi was a key leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS). He was in charge of manufacturing for ISIS in Iraq, conducting training for ISIS members, including instruction on how to make explosives, suicide vests, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Al-Tunisi also provided advanced training on weapons development and the manufacturing of chemical weapons.

Greta Thunberg wins the pariah award as "Antisemite of the Week"

Fake activist for climate Greta Thunberg, 21, was given the award of "Antisemite of the Week" by the watchdog group StopAntisemitism on Friday. This came just days after the group said she “has joined the ranks of keffiyeh-clad protesters, brazenly voicing her disdain for the Jewish state.” 

Thunberg was among the unwashed who were taken away by Danish police during a demonstration at Copenhagen University [Go Crullers!] against the Jewish State of Israel.

“She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred,” the organization added.

The truth is, Thunberg is a hypocrite and never really cared about the environment like she proclaimed. If she did, then she would have sided with Israel as they were in the midst of working on environmentally friendly projects and specifically with Copenhagen University dedicated to fighting climate change.

The 21-year-old autistic activist was arrested on Sept. 4 while protesting with the group Students Against the Occupation, which called on the university to cease all connections with Israel, including putting an end to several cross-university student programs. She is upset that the Jewish State is occupied by Jews instead of Arabs, despite the history outlining how the Jews have been the people of Israel.

Among the programs between Copenhagen University and Israel is even a student exchange program dedicated to Thunberg’s flagship cause — fighting climate change, according to StopAntisemitism.

“Sadly, Greta’s hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. Despite Israel being a global leader in tackling climate disasters and rushing to aid in crises worldwide, Greta sides with their homicidal terrorist enemies,” founder Liora Rez said in a statement.

“Her actions speak louder than her words. She claims to care about the future of humanity but Greta’s hypocrisy is on full display as she’s been active in championing Hamas leaders who openly call for genocide.”

Thunberg was taken away by police at a May protest as well. 

She is a garbage human being, at least for now--perhaps she'll grow up one day.

Killery Clinton stirs up leftist lunatic anger against Trump

One of the Left's worst women

It's becoming abundantly clear that politicians on the Left would go to any lengths to stay in power, but who ever thought they would go so far as to set the stage for a former president, who is running for a second term, to be assassinated? It's un-American, it's evil, and it's disgusting.

Just one day after another failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the former twice-failed presidential candidate, former Democratic Senator from New York, and former first lady Hillary Clinton, said that President Trump posed "a danger to our country and the world."

How freaking ridiculous. How hyperbolic and dangerous are words like that which fall on the ears of the lunatics who crave fame and believe that Trump is a threat to democracy and the planet. And let's be very clear: Clinton knows it. She knows how provocative saying crazy s**t like that is to people who believe that killing Trump is the only moral thing to do.

And now it's okay to say that crap out loud?

Forget the failures of the Secret Service leadership. Forget that the leadership of the FBI is in the bag for the Democrats along with Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. This is incitement and it needs to stop!

Of course freedom of speech is guaranteed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but incitement of violence isn't included in that freedom. 

In spite of this, all the legacy media, not including Fox News, has scores of people saying that it's Trump's fault that people have tried to assassinate him two times [thus far]. 

Lebanon exploding pagers wound dozens in unmentionable body parts of Hezbollonians

Israel is not taking credit for dozens of personal Hezbollah pagers from remotely detonating in Lebanon on Tuesday, wounding dozens in places where men don't want to be wounded and also in hands above the waist. 

The phenomenon was reported by state-run media, which means it has to be true because it sure isn't a good look for Hezbollah.

[H/T Fox News Digital.]

This included hundreds of hand-held pagers as Lebanon's state-run National News Agency reported. "The handheld pagers system was detonated using advanced technology, and dozens of injuries were reported," [by men with unusually high-pitched voices].

It isn't yet known if anyone was killed by the exploding pagers, but it's possible that some of the men might wish they were dead, based on where they kept their device.

One man, [we'll call him Ahmed] was injured in his groin area. "I was looking at a beautiful pair of eyes from under the niqab and suddenly I felt a warmth coming from beneath my shirwal. I thought it was from my reaction to her beauty, but no, it was my pager heating up in my pocket and then it exploded. Please don't laugh at my voice."

Lebanon's state-run National News Agency reported that in Beirut’s southern suburbs and other areas "the handheld pagers system was detonated using advanced technology, and dozens of injuries were reported." It wasn't immediately clear if people were killed.

Although Israel isn't taking credit for the incident, they are quite adept in technology, and smart beats brawn in the long run every time.

Am Yisrael Chai! 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Gov. DeSantis will be investigating 2nd assassination attempt on Trump internally

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) addressed the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump saying, "The people deserve the truth about the would-be assassin," possibly referring to both attempts on Trump's life since little is known about both Crooks and Routh, the two scumcrumpets who tried to kill the former president. 

DeSantis wants Routh to stay in the news because the legacy media will lose the story faster than a Harris cackle like they did with the first assassination attempt on Trump:
The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP…— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) September 16, 2024
This may require significant intervention. An assassination attempt on a former president is a federal crime, typically placing it under the jurisdiction of the FBI and Department of Justice, even when state laws are involved. The FBI quickly announced that they believe Routh aimed to assassinate Trump, establishing their authority over the case.

The FBI is already investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. The event occurred on Sunday afternoon at Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach. The Secret Service identified a man, Ryan Wesley Routh, armed with an AK-47-style rifle and hiding in the bushes approximately 300 to 400 yards from the president. When agents fired at him, the man fled, according to both local and federal authorities.

Routh ran to a nearby Nissan and was caught shortly after on I-95 as he entered Martin County, just north of Palm Beach County, according to law enforcement officials.

Governor DeSantis has assigned the two state law-enforcement agencies under his control to handle this case. The first is the Department of Law Enforcement, similar to what other states call a Bureau of Investigation. The second is the Highway Patrol, which caught Routh after pulling over his vehicle while he was trying to flee. The big question is how much help and teamwork the FDLE and FHP will get from the FBI and the Department of Justice (DoJ). Even without any political issues, the DoJ is known for not always working well with other law enforcement agencies when their jurisdictions overlap.

Even if the Department of Justice (DoJ) tries to ignore Florida on this matter, Governor DeSantis' announcement and investigation will keep pressure on Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray. DeSantis can make them respond by talking about what his own investigators discover, which will make the media cover the story. When was the last time we got an update on Crooks, his background, communications, and possible connections to others?

Meanwhile, we are still finding out more about Routh. Tanya Lukyanova from the Free Press remembers interviewing the alleged would-be assassin last year for Semafor's report on Americans traveling to Ukraine to fight. Lukyanova tells Oliver Wiseman that she thought Routh was "crazy," but mostly harmless — at least at that time.

Back then, “he was just a harmless loon, who didn’t do anything too crazy.” (Though not totally harmless: records indicate a long list of run-ins with the law in North Carolina, including a 2002 conviction for possessing a fully automatic machine gun.)

To Tanya, Ryan Routh didn't really seem like a hardened criminal. "He reminds me of Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading, to be honest," she said, mentioning the Cohen Brothers’ dark comedy. In the movie, Pitt's character is a clumsy, not-so-bright personal trainer who tries to blackmail a CIA analyst and gets caught up in a messy situation. "He's just a guy who gets too excited and buys into all sorts of wild ideas. Until he actually does something really bad, people don’t think of him as a real threat."

"Ryan Routh wasn't newsworthy until he allegedly showed up at Trump’s golf course with a gun."

But wait, kids, the 2002 conviction was just the tip of the iceberg.

In 2002, the police arrested a suspect who had a fully automatic machine gun, as reported by the Greensboro News & Record. This arrest matched records in North Carolina criminal court, which showed the suspect, named Ryan Routh, had been convicted for having a weapon of mass destruction.

The records also showed that Routh had been convicted before for carrying a hidden weapon, having stolen property, and being involved in a hit-and-run. In these previous cases, he also faced other charges like resisting an officer and driving with a suspended license. For these offenses, he typically received a suspended sentence along with parole or probation.

Overall, court records indicate that more than 100 criminal charges have been brought against Routh in North Carolina, mostly in Guilford County, which includes Greensboro. However, the specific outcomes of each case were not immediately clear.

In other words, Routh definitely wasn't harmless. This makes us wonder how he got an AK-47, or at least a rifle that looks like one, which is what some news reports are calling it. If Routh had a past conviction related to firearms, he shouldn't have been allowed to buy any kind of gun at all.

Routh's son Oran claims that his father never owned a gun, but admitted his father hates Trump:

He said his father hates Trump as 'every reasonable person does, and of course his shooter dad is reasonable in the son's mind.

‘I don't like Trump either,’ as the the apple of the shooter's eye said. He added that his father, a man who allegedly wanted to kill the Republican candidate, is not a violent man. It's the gun that's violent, I suppose. He added that he couldn't believe his father would try to kill the former president.

"He's my dad and all he's had is couple traffic tickets, as far as I know," the son ignorantly asserted. "That's crazy. I know my dad and love my dad, but that's nothing like him."

"I've never known him to own a gun or known him to do anything bats*** like this," the son added.

It's quite possible he doesn't know his father quite as well as he thinks. The Daily Mail reported that they have been somewhat estranged for a while, but the son apparently has no idea about his father's extensive track record with law enforcement.

More on the moron to follow.

More on the second attempted Trump assassination

Backpacks filled with ceramic tiles 

On Sunday, former President and Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, survived a second assassination attempt while at his Palm Beach golf course. The wannabe assassin, Ryan Routh, was spotted aiming his weapon at the golf course and was fired upon by Secret Service. He successfully fled, leaving behind an AK-47-style rifle with scope, two backpacks, a GoPro camera, and he was later caught along I-95 by police and taken into custody.

[H/T RealClearPolitics]

Here's what we know so far:

As the Republican presidential nominee walked the course, Rouse hid in shrubbery just 300-500 yards away on the outer side of a chain-link fence. His rifle peeped out between two knapsacks that were filled with ceramic tiles, possibly used to stop incoming rounds from Trump's protection staff. When he was spotted, the Secret Service agent opened fire, as per Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw.

"With a rifle like that with a scope,” the sheriff said at a press conference, “that’s not a long distance.”

The FBI is investigating the incident as another assassination attempt, which will not last long in the legacy news media because, you know, Trump. “The FBI has responded to West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump,” the agency said in a statement.

The Secret Service agent fired four poorly aimed shots, but law enforcement was unsure if the individual fired his rifle as their lives flashed before their eyes and time stood still.

Meanwhile, Routh ran to a parked car along the road that had been left unchecked. A witness took photos of both Routh and the vehicle he fled in.

The incident took place around 1:30 p.m., according to law enforcement, and the Trump-Vance campaign announced the news shortly thereafter. “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. “No further details at this time.”

“There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I am safe and well,” Trump wrote in an email that was sent Sunday afternoon.

Secret Service sources tell RealClearPolitics that the two backpacks the gunman carried and attached to a chain link fence were filled with ceramic tile to shield the shooter from return fire. “Soft body armor like what we wear, and police wear, can only stop pistol rounds,” the source said. "In order to stop rifle rounds, which travel MUCH faster, you need rifle plates like the military wear or SWAT teams wear.”

“I believe that the suspect hanging two backpacks on the fence filled with ceramic tile was his attempt to provide himself a somewhat protected firing position,” the source added.

The golf course was partially shut down as Trump played through on Sunday. A Secret Service detail was with the former president and also a couple of holes ahead of him, according to Bradshaw, when an agent spotted a “rifle barrel sticking out of the fence.” The campaign had not made the Republican nominee’s schedule public after a West Coast swing that culminated in Las Vegas the night before, though Trump is known to frequent the golf course.

So how did Routh know that Trump would be there at that time?

“He is not the sitting president,” Bradshaw said at the press conference. “If he was, we would have this entire golf course surrounded.”

But while not the sitting president, the media describes him as America's Hitler and a danger to the nation. No wonder he has been twice a target for death, thus far. 

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance said in a statement Sunday afternoon that he had spoken with Trump before the news was made public and that his running mate “was, amazingly, in good spirits.” The White House was also alerted of the attempt on Trump’s life. An administration spokesman said that both President Biden and Vice President Harris were briefed on the incident shortly after it occurred, but Biden had nothing to say.

“I have been briefed on reports of gunshots fired near former President Trump and his property in Florida,” Harris said in a statement posted to social media, “and I am glad he is safe. Violence has no place in America.”

So why does she continue describing Trump as a danger to the country?

When Trump and Harris shared a stage at the Philadelphia debate last week, the former president laid the blame for the first assassination attempt at the feet of Democrats.

“I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me. They talk about democracy. I'm a threat to democracy. They're the threat to democracy,” Trump said, “with the fake Russia-Russia-Russia investigation that went nowhere.”

The hateful, anti-Trump/anti-Trump voters has got to stop, but this time for real. It should be considered a crime for any media outlet to purvey this kind of rhetoric about any political candidate because there are too many people out there who see assassination as a moral duty.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

What more we know about the alleged gunman Routh at Trump golf club

We now know the alleged gunman who is accused of pointing an AK-47 rifle at former President Trump on Sunday is 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh and has an extensive police record spanning several decades.

Routh was arrested shortly after the incident at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The original reporting of the incident said that Routh fired toward Trump but now we know that he didn't fire off any rounds but the Secret Service saw him pointing his weapon through a chain-link fence in Trump's direction and it was the Secret Service who fired at Routh when they saw the muzzle of the rifle, located one hole ahead of where Trump was at on the course.

Authorities are treating the episode as an apparent assassination attempt on Trump, which doesn't make most of us feel that he's any safer with the new D.E.I. agency.

A background check on the name given by officials, Ryan Wesley Routh, shows that he currently lives in Hawaii and has had dozens of run-ins with police, starting as far back as to at least the 1990s.

Routh is a native of North Carolina where he had been arrested for simple drug possession, driving without a license, expired inspection and operating a vehicle with no insurance. The dude is a real rebel it seems and I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that he's a sovereign citizen.

In another arrest, the Greensboro News & Record reported in 2002 that Routh was arrested after barricading himself in his roofing company's office. It created a three-hour standoff that followed a traffic stop in which he place his hand on a gun before fleeing.

Rough, who is apparently a Harris-Walz supporter, moved to the Aloha State in 2017 and has since opened another construction company that builds housing structures for homeless people, according to his own LinkedIn page.

"This does not appear to be some random guy with an AK-47 walking outside Trump's club," an official said after the Sunday afternoon incident. [H/T Fox]

News of the incident broke shortly after Trump was safely escorted off of the golf course, both ears intact.

A Secret Service agent spotted the would-be gunman while Trump was playing the course's fifth hole. Officials say Routh abandoned an AK-47, a Go-Pro camera and two backpacks along a chain-link fence that borders the sixth hole of the course. 

Routh fled like a coward in an SUV after a member of the Secret Service fired on him, but was soon arrested, according to authorities on I 95.

Trump's campaign quickly issued a statement that the 45th president was safe, with Trump following up in a message to supporters that he will "never surrender."

What has happened to America?

BREAKING: 2nd Possible assassination attempt on Trump while golfing

UPDATE: The shooter has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh.

Former President Trump was on the golf course today in West Palm Beach when at about 1:30 p.m., shots were fired and the Secret Service immediately jumped in to protect him.

The suspect, a man, was caught down the highway.

The weapon used was an AK-47 rifle with a scope. There were backpacks with plates inside and a GoPro found and the alleged shooter fled and was caught on I 95 and identified by a witness who had seen the shooting. His rifle was sticking between the knapsacks so it appears that it was planned.

Questions should be asked: 
How can this happen again? 
Why wasn't the entire golf course fully covered by agents? 
Is the witness under protection? 
How did the shooter know Trump would be on the golf course?
When the shooter was caught, why didn't they show him on the police cams that showed the stop but not the person in the SUV?

The shooter was about 300 to 500 yards away, it was revealed at a press conference with the local police, the FBI and Secret Service.

The local law enforcement said that since Trump is not the current President, he's just the present candidate and he does not get the same protection. 

We now know, however, the threat level is high and the Secret Service kind of sucks.

They keep telling us how "fantastic" the Secret Service is but some people may have doubts. The excuse the FBI gave was that we live in violent times now.

No s**t Sherlock.

This is still developing.

Kamala serves a salad with those fries, still has no answers to questions

Vice President and Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris, donned a pair of Keds (or whatever brand is still selling sneakers that look like Keds), as she was "interviewed" by Brian Taff and asked about her plan to bring down prices. 

"What are one or two specific things you have in mind," Taff asked the clueless cackler about her plan, in her first solo interview since her nomination two months ago. She still has no idea how to answer that question because she is clueless so she just used words, one after the other, in a salad that made no sense in terms of the question.

"Well, look, I was raised in a middle-class neighborhood..." Okay, and what is your plan to lower prices?

She went on and on for three minutes and never once touched on how she plans to lower prices because she has no plan and if elected, will only be a Party puppet, like her current demented boss. Spouting her bio and spewing clichés such as "opportunity economy" several times, doesn't cut it with intelligent voters. Tax credits for new businesses was another thought that came to mind but was quickly followed by her biography again. She never once mentioned prices or the Biden-Harris inflation.

Harris' "new way forward" implies that she and Biden weren't in charge of the nation for the past three and a half years. Taff noted this and asked, "Some people wonder how different you are from Joe Biden."

"I offer a new generation of leadership," Harris said, being as vague as possible. Then she began returning to her substance insipid go-to staple about an "opportunity economy,"

Her inability to express anything tangible about what her plans or policies would be if elected in cringeworthy and disturbing. You got to see the video.

Jew-hating terrorist stabs cop at Old City's Damascus Gate, attacker shot dead at scene

A 20-year-old police officer was slightly injured on Sunday night in a stabbing incident at the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, as reported by Israeli media.

EMTs and paramedics from Magen David Adom (MDA) started treating the officer on the spot. He was awake and in mild condition, MDA said. Nonetheless, he was taken to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital for additional treatment.

According to a police spokesperson, the attacker was shot at the scene by an officer from the Israel Border Police.

The jihadi tried to flee the scene but was shot, and the officer received treatment at the scene. 

"The terrorist who tried to escape into the Old City was neutralized by other Border Police officers," a police spokesperson said.

"The officer who was stabbed was taken for medical treatment. Police and Border Police officers on the spot closed off the area and began investigating the case."

Biden-Harris and Blinken give Egypt $320,000,000 in military aid on the down-low

Mo, Larry, and Curly

Everyone seems to still be caught up in the Trump-Harris debate and the 9-11 anniversary commemoration. Nobody paid attention to the story of the administration giving Egypt $320 million in military aid, in spite of the fact that the country has not met the majority of human rights we required they meet, among other little things like their rabid anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic stance in the Middle East. This clearly demonstrates the incredible weakness of this administration.

[H/T New York Times.]

This is the first time in nearly four years that the U.S. has given Egypt the full $1.3 billion in aid, with some of it having "no conditions." Here's how the numbers break down, according to a State Department spokesman talking to the New York Times:

The first, totaling $980 million, is subject to no conditions and granted automatically.

An additional $225 million is subject to a variety of human rights conditions — the ones that Mr. Blinken would not certify had been met but that he had waived on national security grounds.

A third, $95 million pot of money can be released only if the secretary of state finds that Egypt has made progress in the specific areas of releasing political prisoners, providing detainees with due process and “preventing the harassment and abuse of American citizens.” Mr. Blinken certified progress in these areas, the spokesman said.

The Times report goes on:

For the first time under the Biden administration, the United States will send Egypt its full allotment of $1.3 billion in annual military aid, waiving human rights requirements on the spending mainly in recognition of Cairo’s efforts to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza, U.S. officials said.

The decision, which the State Department notified Congress of on Wednesday, marks a striking shift for the administration. President Biden came into office promising “no blank checks” that would enable Egypt’s rights abuses, and in each of the past three years, his administration had withheld at least some of the congressionally mandated aid to Cairo, a close American ally.

. . . In response to longtime concerns about human rights abuses in Egypt, U.S. law places conditions on about a quarter of the military aid to Egypt each year. To release it, the secretary of state must certify that Cairo has complied with a range of human rights requirements. 

They're admitting that African nation did not comply. And what did the State spokesman say Secretary of State Antony Blinken's excuse was for waving away the requirements this time: They are helping with the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal:

A State Department spokesman said the secretary, Antony J. Blinken, had found that Egypt had only partly met the human rights requirements but had overridden them, employing a legally permitted waiver “in the U.S. national security interest.”

Mr. Blinken’s decision was based on Egypt’s monthslong role as an intermediary between Hamas and Israel as the two sides try to negotiate a cease-fire deal that would free Israeli hostages in Gaza and allow more humanitarian aid into the territory, which borders Egypt’s Sinai Desert, the spokesman said.

They added that Egypt is also brokering a "cease-fire in neighboring Sudan’s civil war and its large-scale provision of aid to the Sudanese people."

Mariam Wahba, an analyst for The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), shared a list of reasons why the U.S. government should have held the line on giving the full aid to Egypt--they simply have not reformed in any meaningful way:

This is a disappointing development, signaling to our allies that they can get away with anything. Egypt continues to exploit its relationship with the U.S. and gets rewarded with $320 million.

Here’s are some things Egypt has done recently to undermine American interests:

-…— Mariam Wahba (@themariamwahba) September 11, 2024

The post reads:
- Bribed a U.S. Senator.

- Purchased Chinese fighter jets.

- Suppressed civil society and jailed political dissidents.

- Failed to protect religious and ethnic minorities.

- Allowed Hamas to rearm through the Philadelphi Corridor until the Israelis secured it in May.
When will there be consequences? 

Probably never and Egypt reaps rewards for actions that "undermine American interests." The Biden-Harris administration, along with that loser Antony Blinken, don't care as much about holding Egypt accountable for its lack of human decency as they care about posturing for the international community

The country is weaker by far with these incompetents in office.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Iran on the cusp of going nuclear thanks to Biden- and they want Harris to win

As the US presidential election fast approaches, it is known that Iran wants Kamala Harris to win and may be ready to push forward a nuclear weapon as the Trump-Harris election battle continues.

The Islamic Republic now has the technical know-how and resources to get more than a dozen nuclear bombs online in just four months — possibly before Joe Biden technically leaves office [he's been mentally gone for years, sources say].

Tehran thus far has enriched over 6,200 kilograms of uranium to the 5%, 20% and 60% levels. Weapons grade uranium 235 is about 90% enrichment and this is what the mullahs are going for, while under Trump they generated less than low-enriched uranium with fewer than 2,400 centrifuges. 

Now it has over 7,400 of the advanced centrifuges required to rapidly enrich radioactive ore, along with other technical advances that will allow it to replace human lab work on a nuclear weapon with computer modeling, which is much easier to conceal and far quicker.

Worse still, it has reactivated its Fordow enrichment site and is reportedly building a new site near the Natanz facility, one sunk so deep in the earth it would be immune to offensive strikes unless the Mossad can infiltrate it and blow it to smithereens.

In other words, America’s most committed enemy in the Middle East and the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism is now on the cusp of a strategic breakthrough that will see it empowered beyond anyone’s worst nightmares.

Maybe if Biden-Harris sends them more money, they'll be nice to us. After all, the Biden-Harris administration has left us with a border crisis, another national security clusterfrack [sic] so we need to deal with that as well.

Call Trump crazy if you want to, but under his administration, Iran, North Korea, China and Russia knew better than to mess with us. 

Kamala Harris sits down with ABC affiliate and she does 'a Kamala'

Failed Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris had a solo interview with her favorite media outlet, ABC. It's also easier for her to remember the call letters of the tv station and distinguish them from NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN and LGBTQ, which is not a media outlet. This was the first solo "interview" since her friend and a Trump-hater moderated the clusterfrack of a debate.

In spite of how slanted the ABC News was to help Harris in the debate with the powderpuff questions, she still spoke in word salad English. 

Harris answered five questions from Action News 6 ABC, a local affiliate of ABC News. The interview came after several days after her friend and the Trump hater in the debate with Donald J. Trump helped her out by providing fact checks on the former president but not her, and now there's a rumor going around that a whistleblower from ABC News has information that Harris was given the answers beforehand. 

This would be an incredible and damning piece of information.

One of the ABC moderators for the debate,  Linsey Davis, is a member of Harris’ sorority and Dana Walden, a Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC, is one of the vice president’s close friends. In fact, she introduced the cackling Kamala to her current husband Doug, a guy who impregnated their nanny.

Action News 6 ABC anchor Brian Taff asked Harris, 59, what specifically would she do to bring down prices as president.

“Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up as a middle class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard,” she said, dodging the question thus far. She then babbled on about her neighborhood where people "were proud of their lawn."

“We as Americans have beautiful character. We have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. But not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions,” Harris she said, in answer to the question about bringing down prices as president.

Instead of outlining any plan no matter how rudimentary at this "time deadline," Comrade Harris bragged about her proposed policy to give a $25,000 handout to new homeowners and giving tax breaks to new small businesses.

Harris also said that she is “obviously not Joe Biden” because she offers an “opportunity economy” and “a new generation of leadership,” and she doesn't identify as a man.

“So, for example, thinking about developing and creating an opportunity economy where it’s about investing in areas that really need a lot of work,” she said, confusing the crap out of anyone paying attention and seemingly finding one word at a time as she spoke.

Harris lied about not going to take “anyone’s guns away” and claimed that she supports the Second Amendment, but will ban “assault weapons” and “universal background checks,” and that "[T]hey're literally tools of war."

On what she thinks Trump’s appeal is to voters, Harris again took a few sentences to get to the core of the question.

“I, uh, based on experience and, uh, and, a lived experience know in my heart, I know in my soul, I know that the vast majority of Americans have in common so much more than what separates us,” she said, lying about having a soul.

“And I also believe that I am accurate in knowing that most Americans want a leader who brings us together as Americans and not someone who professes to be a leader who is trying to have us point our fingers at each other,” she said of Trump, who she calls Hitler, and MAGA voters, white supremacists. 

“I think people are more willing now in light of the hate and division that we see coming out of Donald Trump to say, ‘Hey, let’s put country first.'”

If you don't see this as butt-backwards, you're really living in a cave and eating cats.

Taff finally asked Harris if there was anything she wanted voters to know about her.

“I don’t know. I mean, probably it’s not very different from anybody watching right now. I love my family, um, one of my favorite things that I lately have not been able to do is Sunday family dinner. I love to cook. I have incredible friends,” Harris blubbered. 

“I have a career that really, and I said it the other day, you know, as a career prosecutor, I never asked a victim of crime where they were a Republican or a Democrat. The only thing I ever asked them was, ‘Are you OK?'” she said, arguing she thinks most Americans want that approach from a woman who failed the BAR exam on her first try.

ABC Whistleblower: Harris was given the questions and was promised Trump would be fact-checked; she would not

"So tell us why Trump is such a piece of s**t?"

According to a report by The Geller Report an ABC whistleblower is allegedly planning to release an affidavit attesting that Kamala Harris was given “the same questions that were given during the debate” and was assured that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.

Again, this is alleged and has not been proven to have occurred, but if ABC is anything like CNN, it isn't a crazy conspiracy theory. Who do they think they are--Donna Brazile? Candy Crowley?

Mark Penn, a former advisor for the Clintons, is calling on an independent investigation into ABC News for rigging a debate. Below are a few of the posts that address the allegation.
If this turns out to be true, this is a serious breach of journalistic ethics and a death blow to @ABCNetwork reputation.
There are actually 5 whistleblowers now. Even former Clinton adviser Mark Penn is calling for ABC to probe if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate." Additionally, a very short video is circulating of Linsey Davis who is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris,…

— Tony Seruga (@TonySeruga) September 12, 2024
🚨BREAKING: It is now confirmed that Kamala Harris cheated and rigged the debate.

– Kamala was given the questions before the debate.

– Kamala was told that she would not be fact checked no matter what she said and that Trump would be fact checked.

— Philip Anderson (@VoteHarrisOut) September 12, 2024
The real losers were ABC and its two partisan moderators, Muir and Davis. They sought to warp a debate, disgraced their network, and offered a good reminder why such media “moderators” should never be allowed anywhere near presidential debates.

— Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson) September 12, 2024
The ABC “fact-checks” were fake, which has inversely drawn MORE attention to these topics, aka the Streisand Effect, which is a social phenomenon that happens when there's an attempt to censor or hide information but inadvertently brings more attention to it.


In 2003, Streisand tried to suppress photographs of her Malibu home from being published by suing the photographer. However, the lawsuit had the opposite effect, leading to widespread public interest and the viral spread of the photographs that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Essentially, the Streisand effect shows how efforts to suppress information can backfire, resulting in the undesired information becoming even more public and widely disseminated.

If it is proved that ABC fed Harris the questions with the pledge to not question her but would instead challenge Trump's claims, heads should roll, indictments should fly and people should be fired.

Friday, September 13, 2024

IDF honcho reveals they recovered a letter of top Hamasshole showing they are crumbling like last year's matzohs

Yoav Gallant meets with IDF commanders

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Wednesday shared a letter that he claimed was written by the former commander of Hamas's Khan Younis Brigade. The letter detailed the significant losses the Gaza terrorist group has sustained in the ongoing war in Gaza. Gallant's revelation adds to the understanding of the intense conflict and the toll it has taken on Hamas forces.

The letter, which has not been independently verified, was purportedly written by Rafe Salama and addressed to Hamasshole head Yahya Sinwar and his brother. According to Gallant, the letter describes the severe infrastructure and personnel losses the terrorist group has experienced since initiating the massacre against Israel on October 7 of last year.

According to a translation of the letter by the Israeli Defense Ministry, the letter noted that “we [Hamas] have lost 90-95 percent of our rocket capabilities; and we have lost some 60 percent of our personal weapons; we have lost at least 65-70 percent of our anti-tank launchers and rockets.”

The letter was apparently written prior to July, when Salama was killed by the IDF along with his buddy Mohammad "Mo" Deif.

“We have lost at least 50 percent of our fighters between those who are martyred and wounded, and now we are left with 25 percent,” the now dead Salama reportedly wrote. “The last 25 percent of our people have reached a situation where the people do not tolerate them anymore, broken on a mental or physical level.”

Israeli hearts bleed not for him.

As of mid-August, the IDF said it killed only about 17,000 terrorists in Gaza since the brutal Hamasshole attack on Oct. 7, and this corresponds roughly to the numbers outlined by Salama in the letter if it's authentic.

Gallant said the letter showed “the difficult situation of the Hamas organization.” He posted on X/Twitter that “Hamas is in real distress from the junior to the senior level — we will continue the effort and reach everyone.”

“He [Salama] cries out for the help of the Sinwar brothers, but of course, they can’t save him,” Gallant said. “Why? We are continuing the effort that started in October, which continues step by step and reaches all senior Hamas officials.”

Since the start of the war, Israel has killed many high-ranking terrorists of Hamas and other groups, including Lebanese Hezbollah. It's a good start but there's more to be done to end the attempted genocide.

Am Yisrael Chai!

IDF video of hostage tunnel shocked and divided Israel

It's almost a year now as Israel has been devastated and emotionally exhausted over the Israel-Hamas war. But on Tuesday, it was even worse after IDF Spokesman R-Adm. Daniel Hagari showed chilling images of the Gaza tunnel where Hamas executed six hostages last month.

The three-minute video clip showed Hagari descending from a children’s room with brightly colored walls and paintings of Snow White and Mickey Mouse in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah, 20 meters into the hell where Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino were held and murdered--shot multiple times in the head. 

It is believed that the men hostages attempted a last-ditch effort to protect the female hostages, but they were killed along with the women.

“Here is the place in the tunnel where the hostages were murdered,” Hagari said in his unemotional monotone. “Here you see their blood on the floor. Here were the last moments of Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Ori, Almog, and Alex. Here they were brutally murdered. We will learn what happened here. We need to learn very well what happened here.

“It is very hard to survive here,” Hagari continued. “They were heroes, heroes who were killed in cold blood by murderous terrorists who build tunnels under the rooms of children and hide in them with hostages.”

Islamic jihad is a sick, evil, bloodthirsty act that is supposed to be holy. 

Hagari revealed the terrible conditions in which the hostages were kept – a low ceiling that didn't allow them to stand upright, a cesspool, bottles of urine, and no ventilation. He mentioned how extremely humid it was. He found a broken hairbrush, a chess set, a flashlight, magazines for an AK-47, and a bullet casing. Among all these items, there was also a copy of the Qur'an, the Islamic 'scripture' that calls for hating Jews and unleashing jihad against "the unbelievers."

The compassionate people of Israel watched the video and felt the suffocating heat of the tunnel, smelled the disgusting stench, sensed the fear the hostages must have endured, and heard the cries. As they viewed the disturbing images on the 8 p.m. news, the anger from October 7 returned, and their rage boiled over once more, while many useful idiots of the West marched and demonstrated for Hamas.

However, the anger among Israelis was widespread as the horrifying images were broadcasted. Many Israelis directed their frustration towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his administration, arguing that the hostages would not have been murdered if Israel had not stubbornly insisted on remaining in the Philadelphi Corridor, which is only a short distance from the tunnel.

They were angry that Netanyahu and the government didn't jump at what they thought was the deal at hand and concluded that in order to keep the same fate from happening the remaining hostages, the deal needed to be made immediately.

Those presenting this argument assume—despite a lack of clarity—that a deal is possible. They believe that Hamas, despite recently increasing its demands by adding more names to the list of terrorist murderers they want released, is open to negotiating an agreement. 

They obviously don't know Hamas.

Others, however, correctly directed their anger at Hamas, in this writer's opinion. They highlighted the Hamassholes' brutality, so evident in the clip, and saw the video as justification for not striking a deal with Hamas, but, rather, using harsher measures against the terrorist organization, including ending the supply of humanitarian aid.

If this is how Hamas behaves, Yediot Aharonot journalist Amichai Attali wrote, articulating this same mindset, then Israel should halt all but essential humanitarian aid – water and flour – to Gaza.

A nation so deeply divided over how to free the hostages – by an agreement that would include giving in to some of Hamas’s demands or by continued military pressure – viewed the same grisly video and came to opposite conclusions, which is exactly what Hamas hoped would happen.

It's fully understandable how families of the remaining hostages want an immediate deal with the terrorists, but it should not come as a surprise that the remaining hostages still alive would be murdered before handing them over, if that hasn't already happened, because this is how Jew hatred works.

The only solution to this situation is to eliminate Hamas and those who would try to eliminate Israel.