Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tim Walz hosted der Fuhrer-loving Muslim and gave his group $100K from taxpayers' purse

Asad Zamam is an extreme Jew-hating imam and mouthpiece for the Hamassholes as well as a supporter of the October 7 invasion and massacre in Israel. His group was the recipient of $100,000 of public funds generously given to him by none other than Tampon Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota and VP nominee for the Democratic Party. Walz hosted the scumbucket at various official events as governor.

On the day of the October 7, 2023 slaughter of about 1,200 Jews, mostly civilians, and the kidnapping of 253 others, this human garbage said that he “stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks.”

When California Congresswoman Katie Porter condemned Hamas the following day, the imam asked her if she would “reaffirm the right of Palestinians to defend themselves.”

Killing children, burning people alive, raping them in front of family members before killing them is not defending themselves and it sure as hell not resistance, but these besturds [spelling intentional] always paint themselves as victims and hold their own people hostage in war zones so their deaths can create global sympathy that then justifies more Jew hatred.

Zaman has also called Israel an “apartheid” state, which is exactly what Gaza is and what Israel is not. People of all religions can live and work in Israel: Jews, Bedouin, Hindu, Muslims, atheists, gays, and anyone else. Not so much in Gaza where not one Jews lives and gays get murdered for being gay.

Zaman in 2015 promoted a World War II film praising Hitler, a favorite flick among neo-Nazis and maybe even Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. I don't know how Walz feels about der Fuhrer, but he is no lover of Israel.

“Imam Zaman has a troubling history of playing into classic anti-Jewish themes and justifying violence against Israel,” an Anti-Defamation League spokesperson said.

“Given his hurtful remarks post-Oct. 7, and absent any recognition of the pain he has caused the Jewish community, we urge all public officials and leaders to avoid meeting with him in the future,” the spokesperson added.

“Those who have met with Imam Zaman should clarify that they don’t agree with his toxic views about Jews and the Jewish state.”

Walz did not condemn the remarks just like he didn't correct people who introduce him as having been in combat in Iraq and a Command Sergeant Major when he retired to avoid the war while his unit went.

The Jew hating cleric attended several community events over the years hosted by Tampon Tim Walz, and in 2019 he even delivered an invocation before the governor’s State address, the report said. [Walz got the sobriquet 'Tampon Tim' after he had tampon dispensers installed in boys bathrooms at MN schools. These boys, had they actually been girls, would have still been too young to even need tampons.]

Zaman heads the Muslim American Society (MAS) of Minnesota, which is associated with the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. On the day of the invasion it said in a statement that it “reaffirms its unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Israeli occupation.”

It also accused Israel of “unprovoked attacks on Palestinian areas,” and maintaining an “inhumane blockade of Gaza,” called on the U.S. to stop supporting Israel, and for Arab countries who have normalized relations with Israel to “reconsider their stance.”

Tens of thousands of supply trucks have gone into Gaza to supply the people living there and Hamas has stolen these supplies for themselves or sold them to Gazans.

Tampon Tim Walz is a formidable speaker but he isn't an honest one and is clearly not one who supports Israel, our best ally in the Middle East. How any American Jewish person, or anyone who condemns what Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and all anti-Zionist/anti-Jews groups, can vote for the Harris-Walz ticket is unfathomable.

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