Saturday, August 17, 2024

Jewish Voice for Peace, an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp, worries that Hebrew might offend terrorists

Jew-hating group, Jewish Voice for Peace, holds rally 8/3/24 in Pelosiville
demanding Israel stop winning the war Hamas started

Anti-Zionist/Anti-Semitic Hamas supporters held a "300 Days of Genocide" rally through the feces smeared streets of San Francisco demanding Israel stop fighting the Hamassholes who invaded Israel and slaughtered 1,200 people and kidnapped 253. The rapes, deaths, immolation, and beheadings were committed on men, women, children and toddlers, mostly civilians. 

If that isn't what genocide really is, then we're living in an alternate reality.

The schmucks of the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) argued in a newly resurfaced 2021 booklet that Jews should not write Hebrew liturgy because hearing the language would be “deeply traumatizing” to Palestinians.

Does anyone in their right mind actually believe these cretins are really Jewish? But if some of them are, wouldn't you say that they're self-loathing cowards who are afraid of standing up against an enemy of their religion?

The JVP Havura Network produced a loathsome 59-page booklet in 2021 in advance of Tisha b’Av, the Jewish day of mourning for the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem.

The scumcrumpet organization describes itself as “an emergent network that gathers, supports, and resources diasporist, anti-Zionist and non-Zionist Jews, and Jewish spiritual communities.” In an effort to create a “Judaism beyond Zionism,” and other nonsense that makes as much sense as Kamala Harris describing boolean algebra.

In a section of the zine titled “Creating Liturgy,” the lunatic author notes it may be best not to include Hebrew in that liturgy, but with that being said, we don't know the author's pronouns. I suspect they might be 'she-it.'

“Hearing the Hebrew language can be deeply traumatizing for Palestinians,” it reads, [because it bothers many of them knowing that some Jews are still alive]. “Therefore, prayers are best said in English or Arabic, rather than Hebrew. It is not our place to redeem our tradition on the backs of Palestinians. Enough has been taken.”

And the Palestinians need to say their prayers [with their anuses to the sky] in English because it bothers non-terrorists to hear the language of a pedophile prophet warrior.

Many social media users ridiculed the notion that Jews should not pray in Hebrew, emphasizing that Hebrew is an ancient language that predates both Arabic and English and has long been central to Jewish prayers.

This isn't the first time JVP has attracted attention for controversial posts online, but hopefully it will be the last.

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