Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ex-Cornell student threatened to kill and rape Jews: heading to prison

With a face that suggests chronic virginity, former Cornell University student Patrick Dai had threatened to murder and sexually assault Jews on campus. The loser is now heading to federal prison where he can threaten to sexually assault guys named Bubba and see how that turns out.

Dai was sentenced on August 12th to 21 months in the slammer as he threatened to perpetrate heinous crimes against members of the school’s Jewish community after Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel. 

He posted on social media statements calling for the murder of Jews and raping Jewish women. Cornell has about 3,500 Jewish students, comprising 22% of the student population. He also posted about attacking the campus' kosher dining hall, named 104West and affiliated with the Steven K. and Winifred A. Grinspoon Hillel Center.

“Gonna shoot up 104 west… Allahu akbar! from the river to the sea, palestine will be free! glory to hamas! liberation by any means necessary!” one of the idiot's posts said. 

Another of his Jew-hating posts read: “If I see a pig male jew i will stab you and slit your throat. if i see another pig female jew i will drag you away and rape you and throw you off a cliff. if i see another pig baby jew i will behead you in front of your parents [sic].”

In addition, the Justice Department said Dai also vowed to “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig Jews.”

The actions, for which Dai was promptly expelled from campus, were investigated by a terrorism task force and charged as federal hate crimes involving “threats to kill using interstate communications.” Declining to contest the government’s case at trial, he pled guilty. In addition to serving nearly two years in federal prison, he will, upon completing his sentence, be subject to three years of supervised release and levied a $100 fine, and did not mean it as a joke.

“The defendant’s threats terrorized the Cornell campus community for days and shattered the community’s sense of safety,” Carla Freedman, US attorney for the Northern District of New York, said in a statement on Monday. “My office will continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute threats and acts of violence motivated by antisemitism and hatred of any kind.”

Usually people like Dai who make threats feel inferior and insecure. Perhaps he was looking for approval from one of his Jew-hating colleagues, but no one came forward to agree with him.

Students have the right “to pursue their education without fear of violence based on who they are, how they look, where they are from or how they worship,” added Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general of the Justice Department’s civil rights division. “Antisemitic threats of violence, like the defendant’s vicious and graphic threats here, violate that right. Today’s sentencing reaffirms that we will hold accountable those who violently threaten and intimidate others based on their religious practice or background. The Justice Department will continue to protect all Americans against bias motivated crimes wherever they occur, including college campuses.”

Dai's crimes came amid an anti-Semitic wave of hatred on college campuses directed at Jewish people after the Oct. 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas in Israel. But it was at Cornell where some of the vilest garbage statements came from the staff. History professor Russell Rickford called the October 7 massacre by Hamas, “exhilarating” and “energizing” at a pro-Palestinian rally. Afterward, the POS was granted leave of absence for the remainder of the semester and has since returned to campus.

Am Yisrael Chai!

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