Sunday, August 18, 2024

Biden thinks he was VP for 12 years and race riots 'could happen again'

PINO Joseph Biden, 81, screwed up the script as usual on Friday at a civil rights event in the Oval Office. He said that he served as Vice President for 12 years until he caught his error, but then claimed that deadly race riots "could happen again" in America.

Way to bring down the temperature, Joefish.

Our obviously senile demented leader of the free world

Biden, 81, made the remarks while signing an order to designate a national monument in Springfield, Ill., an area where, in August 1908, a White lynch mob clashed with Black residents near Abraham Lincoln’s former home.

“I never thought that, having been in the Senate for so many years as well as vice president for 12 years — for 8 years and president for 4 years that I’d see, that I’d have to worry about people wanting to erase history,” Biden said as he referenced Republican-led states that are banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory, which emphasizes race as the primary lens for historical analysis--a racist way of thinking that pretends to signal virtue.

“It’s important, important, important,” the idiot emphasized by repeating the word and then slapping the Resolute Desk with his hand, “that anybody that walks by this area knows what happened here because it could happen again if we don’t take care of ourselves and fight for this democracy.”

Biden, you might recall, was good buddies with KKK leader Robert Byrd, and gave a eulogy at his funeral, so please don't hand the American people your malarkey that you're a warrior for better race relations.

At least 17 people are believed to have died in the Springfield riot, including members of the mob and black residents. Things in the USA had improved since then and again deteriorated under the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

After a series of mental screwups and instances of obvious confusion had raised concerns about a potential landslide loss to "Orange Man Bad," Biden was pressured by fellow leftists last month to forget that he received all of the delegates' votes for his Party and drop out of the campaign for his second term because he was running far behind former President Trump. So rather respecting the system of our representative government, the Democrats did not respect the voters and put the incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris up for the nomination.

Prominent Republicans, such as House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana and Ohio Senator JD Vance, who is former President Donald Trump’s running mate, have urged President Biden to resign before his term concludes on January 20, citing concerns about his cognitive fitness.

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