Monday, August 19, 2024

BBC sucked up to who? A Hamas sympathizer?

The BBC praised a "highly respected" extremist imam, who supports the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and the so called Palestinian cause.

During a weekend interview on BBC Radio London, Imam Haitham al-Haddad—a British Muslim television personality and Islamic scholar of Palestinian origin—was introduced as a "highly respected" figure. However, al-Haddad's history of making extreme and controversial statements, particularly about Israel and Jews, has raised significant concerns within the Israeli community and beyond.

Can I get an "Allahu akbar!"

Al-Haddad's appearance on BBC was initially published by The Telegraph. He has a PhD from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and is on the boards of several Islamic groups in the UK, including the Islamic Sharia Council, has a history of making controversial, inflammatory, and rather disgusting comments.

On October 7, 2023, when 1,200 Israelis were brutally killed and hundreds were kidnapped, the hateful imam posted on Facebook in support of the Palestinian cause. "O Allah, support the people of truth in Gaza, AL-Qudus and Palestine- they have managed to cause confusion to the enemy's calculations with a new tactic. Grant them victory and aid them against their oppressors in their struggle for Justice and Truth."

Al-Haddad added, "The occupation has proven to be weaker than a spider's web." He then ended with a prayer for victory over the, you know, Jews, and the ending of Israel: "Allah will grant victory to those who grant Him victory."

If you bother to read Islamic scripture [if indeed books that preach Jewish and Christian hatred can be called scripture] you will be hard pressed to find anything about love for one's fellow man rather than one's required love of Allah and other Muslims, as well as their love of hating the Jews.

Al-Haddad's statement, widely seen as a prayer supporting Hamas's violent actions against Israel, stands in stark contrast to the BBC's depiction of him as a peacemaker. Evidently, the BBC doesn't want us to believe that he means what he says. Heck, it's only a prayer to their Allah to grant Muslims victory over the Jews and to end the Jewish State.

During the interview, although he primarily addressed the recent riots in the UK, he also voiced strong criticism of the media and politicians, accusing them of unfairly targeting the Muslim community. "When certain media outlets and politicians target Muslims, making the Muslim community a scapegoat, it fuels resentment," the Islamist said, adding that Muslims are often portrayed as "the enemies within."

Then what?

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