Wednesday, June 5, 2024

President-lite Joe Biden's dumb ceasefire plan

With the presidential election coming up this November, our alleged President [aka President lite] Joe Biden thinks [I use the term loosely] that slowing down the flow of illegal aliens into the country will get him more votes than Trump, who wants to shut the door on all illegals. 

What's a few million illegal aliens a year anyway?

Biden also believes that coming up with a ceasefire plan for Israel, without taking the hostages or Hamas into consideration, will somehow get him votes from Hamasshole terrorist supporters and naive Jews who only watch "The View" or CNN. 

He also didn't make any demands that Hamas be removed from power, in spite of their rabid anti-Semitism.

But now, even the mainstream media can't pretend Biden's brain has gone past its 'sell-by' date.

For example, The Wall Street Journal has the headline: "Biden’s Cease-Fire Plan Seeks to Push Hamas and Israel Into an Agreement Neither Wants." They go on to say that Biden "is more interested in a deal than the two warring parties."

Our geriatric so called POTUS thinks a deal between Israel and terrorists who vow to destroy Israel no matter how many tries they need, will make him look good and gain a second term. Maybe some Hamasshole supporters go along with that thinking, but normal people, who refuse to be hating on other people for their immutable characteristics, can see through Biden's fog of flatulence.

Hamas, for one, hates Jews and wants to see them all dead. Hitler was their poster boy. Biden thinks that he can convince Hamas to hold off killing Jews, but they don't think they can--the temptation is too great when they see a Jew they can kill.

And Israel knows this; so do normal people.

So we can watch the debate on June 27th between a "convicted felon" and an "un-convicted felon," but we must remember who the real friend of Israel is, and who wants to close our sieve of a border. If Biden is still around for the election, voting for him makes as much sense as buying a yo-yo for an alligator.

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