Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pakistan mosque blast kills 22 injures 70

Pakistan -- Those wild and crazy Taliban bombers are up to their old tricks again as a bomb that was likely targeting a Parachinar mosque killed 22 people and wounded at least 70 others on Friday.

Parachinar is in a remote area of Pakistan that borders Afghanistan. The blast occurred as people gathered for Friday prayers near the women's entrance of a Shia mosque in the central bazaar.

Because the Taliban are fundamentalist Sunni Muslims, they consider the Shia sect to be apostate and thus deserving of death. They also believe Jews, Christians, atheists, Hindus, Amish, gays, lesbians, transgender people, people who dance, listen to music, and women who don't cover their entire bodies to be deserving of death.

The local political agent, Ikramullah Khan (no relation to Chaka Khan) provided the numbers on the death toll and wounded.

Sajid Hussain (no relation to Saddam Hussein) a Parachinar member of parliament, said that gunfire preceded the explosion, which he described as a suicide attack, and which the attacker would describe as his "go to Paradise, collect 72 virgins" card.

"The attack took place in a busy area and a women's mosque appears to be the target," Hussain said.

The group claiming responsibility for the attack, Tehrik-i-Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, said the attack was part of operation Ghazi, named after another terrorist leader killed by Pakistani security forces in 2007.

This latest attack adds to the fears of increase sectarian violence in Pakistan. Last month over 80 folks were killed and dozens wounded in an attack on a crowded Sufi shrine in southern Pakistan. That attack was claimed to be carried out by ISIS.

The Sufis are basically a peaceful sect of Islam--they dance the whirling dervish, bother nobody, therefore they deserve to die as far as ISIS can tell.

In January, 21 people were killed by an explosion at a vegetable market in Parachinar, capital of Kurram tribal region. That attack was claimed by TTP and a branch of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami.

Mumtaz Hussain (no relation to Sajid Hussain nor Saddam Hussein) a doctor at the Agency Headquarters Hospital in the region said 5 bodies, including a woman and two children, as well as over three dozen wounded, had been brought to the hospital.

The attacks seem to prove that Pakistan is yet another Islamic country where Muslims fight amongst themselves based on differences in their religious beliefs.

How crazy is that?

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