Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Mizzou closes 3 more dorms as enrollment dives into the toilet

The University of Missouri says it's closing three additional undergraduate residence halls due to lack of interest of students and parents of students who don't want anything to do with racial protests and riots. This now brings the total of closed residence halls to seven.

Mizzou News Bureau associate director Liz McCune spoke to ABC17News and announced the Discovery, Responsibility and Center halls will close to "ensure that we are maximizing the space we have and being as efficient as possible with our resources."

In other words, they are closing these additional halls because they can't find students who want to be a part of the nonsense that has been going on at the school. 

Like the time a student journalist, Tim Tai, was on a freelance assignment for ESPN and protesters on Carnahan Quad had erected an encampment and Tai tried to cover the event. He got into a dispute with students and was physically attacked by them under the direction of a professor, Melissa Click.

Tai tried to discuss his First Amendment rights to be in a public area and the event was recorded by another student, Mark Schierbecker and went viral. Click saw what Schierbecker was doing and called for "some muscle" to remove him. 

It's all on video.

The next day, Tai was supported by Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder and others. Concerned Students 1950 passed out fliers saying the confrontation between journalists and protesters is a "Teachable Moment" and directed protesting students to welcome the media to campus as a way to tell the story of the protest. Unfortunately, most students had no idea what the purpose was, but 'protesting is cool' and a way to meet women.

Click resigned from her courtesy appointment at the Missouri School of Journalism (really, you can't make this up), and three other faculty anarchists apologized. On January 25, 2016, Click was charged with misdemeanor assault linked to the campus incident and accepted community service in exchange for dismissal of the charges.

Other shuttered residence halls at the school include Respect (another oxymoron), Excellence, Schurz, and McDavid. 

McCune told the media that the halls are closing to "make sure we have the flexibility necessary whether the numbers are low or high," saying that if the enrollment numbers are low, the school won't have to operate the unfilled residences. The same will likely go for the number of professors the school will need to teach the students protest techniques.

She added that despite the closures, the school plans to open a new 279-bed hall for 2017-2018 school year. 

Hopefully, that won't need to happen as people are becoming disgusted with leftist nonsense.

In January 2017, Mizzou saw its poorest enrollment figures since 2011 with only 31,010 students, peaking in the fall of 2015 at 35,448 students, but continued to thereafter decline after race protests in November 2015 and on into 2016.

In 2016, graduate enrollment dropped 25% from the previous year. A result of a brutal backlash against the so-called university by parents, students and faculty members.

The school is now experiencing a $20 million shortfall in their budget. Maybe the can organize a protest about how unfair that is.

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