Friday, March 31, 2017

Trump good for more airstrikes on al-Shabaab in Somalia

It seems like President Trump is taking a page out of the Koran and killing them wherever he finds them; the Islamists, that is.

Trump is putting on the pressure with more airstrikes in Somalia going after al-Shabaab, Al Qaeda's third largest affiliate, the Pentagon announced.

Thus ends the Obama-era errors with its restrictions, attack announcements and rules of engagement that were ridiculously stupid in war and cost us lives.

Elections have consequences, Obama said, and for once, he was correct.

General Thomas Waldhauser, head of U.S. Africa Command, told the media on Friday that he requested the authority to conduct more strikes against al-Shabaab in Somalia--the Obama hashtag signs weren't working.

"It's very important and very helpful for us to have little more flexibility, a little bit more timeliness in terms of decision-making process and it'll allow us to give, in fact, counter ISIS or, in our case in Somalia, al-Shabaab," he said.

A Somali airliner was bombed by al-Shabaab last year using a laptop computer. This is one reason why the Department of Homeland Security banned electronics larger than cell phones from flights entering the US from some, not all (unfortunately) majority-Muslim nations.

Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters: "The President has approved a Department of Defense proposal to provide additional precision fires in support of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali security forces operations to defeat al-Shabaab in Somalia. This authority is consistent with our approach of developing capable Somali security forces and supporting regional partners in their efforts to combat al-Shabaab."

"The additional support provided by this authority will help deny al-Shabaab safe havens from which it could attack U.S. citizens or U.S. interests in the region," Davis said.

There has been some success in recapturing territory from al-Shabaab by Somali and African Union forces.

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