Thursday, January 26, 2017

POTUS tweets Manning a new one

President Donald Trump ripped Bradley-Chelsea Manning as an "ungrateful TRAITOR" after the scumcrumpet ex-Army intelligence analyst wrote an op-ed critical of former President Obama--the person who commuted the turd's prison sentence, reducing it by 28 years.

Just three days prior to his leaving the White House, Obama commuted Manning's 35-year sentence for leaking over 700,000 classified documents to WikiLeaks. 

Manning's clemency was the most outrageous in a slew of decisions our seditious former president ordered. POS Manning is to be released on May 17th. He will be identifying himself as a woman and wants the taxpayer to foot the bill for the removal of his penis.

Even with the commutation of his sentence, it didn't stop him from writing the op-ed for the Guardian on Thursday wishing for "a strong and unapologetic progressive to lead us."

The traitor wrote: "Unfortunately, despite [Obama's] faith in our system and his positive track record on many issues over the last eight years, there have been very few permanent accomplishments." He also said that Obama's detractors have criticized him for being "too weak, or too soft or too sympathetic."

Then he said: "The one simple lesson to draw from President Obama's legacy: do not start off with a compromise."

President Trump tweeted about the scum: "Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!

Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!

Manning took aim at 'wrongs' that have not yet happened under a Trump administration, but why not talk in possibilities rather than realities when you're traitorous garbage?

"People will probably be targeted because of their religion. Queer and trans people expect to have their rights infringed upon," Manning wrote, forgetting to point out that queer and trans people are executed by the very people he sought succor from--the Taliban. "Our lives are at risk--especially for immigrants, Muslim people and black people."

He obviously didn't care about whose lives he put at risk by making classified information military information available to the enemy.

What an asshat.

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