Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tip-toe Through the Tunnels

August 1, 2014. Zev Chafets, a Fox News contributor, recently published a piece for entitled: So far, Israel has won nothing but the contempt of unmolested Hamas high command The title is longer than the web link but some people like to bloviate and Zev Chafets is no exception.

Chafets quotes Muhammed Deif, the military commander-in-chief, "We love death for Allah the way that you love life." This Muhammed is about as original as gum, but he is allegedly a man of his word, according to Chafets, and he has a solution that he believes will satisfy both Israel and Hamas: "kill Muhammed Deif, his entire command structure and as many of his gunmen as possible." Chafets seems to think this is an easy task.

But Chafets believes that Israel is too focused on blowing up the terror tunnels which he says Hamas has built over the years to "defend itself from airstrikes and as an avenue of attack against Israel." He cites the fact that Hamas used a commando team to emerge from a tunnel, kill 2 IDF soldiers and capture Lt. Hadar Goldin as a way of saying that going after the tunnels is time wasted. He goes as far as to say that Israel's military is "more like a paper army, deploying ground forces on tippy toe, failing to find or engage the enemy and unwilling to risk casualties by fighting aggressively."

Chafets added that despite Israel's caution in the war, they have suffered over 60 dead, which he equates to 2400 Americans (and who knows how many Chinese, if you want to go there), and that Hamas has nothing but contempt for them. How sad that terrorists hold contempt for the attempts at ethnic cleansing they are trying.

Zev Chafets has brass testicles. Given the chance, Zev would put away his laptop, pick up an assault rifle, put on his flak jacket and go in after Hamas, guns a blazin' because it's easy to fault Israel for not willing to risk more lives than it is to actually risk your own life. But Zev hasn't done that as far as I can tell.

Yes, Deif does love death for Allah, but probably not as much as Chafets love life. His criticizing the IDF for not being bold enough to mount a frontal assault is coming from a non-combatant--maybe he was at one time, but unless he's out in the field at the time, he sounds like a guy watching an NFL game yelling at his team, "Kill them," because he can say it in the safety of the stands or his couch.

Zev also compares Netanyahu to Neville Chamberlain, the appeaser who thought Hitler was simply a community organizer, because Bibi "has agreed to half a dozen "humanitarian" cease fires in the last twenty-four days." 

What does Chafets expect from a leader who has checked the pulse of the world and noticed the severe rise of anti-Semitism. If he had rejected those hideous offers, he would have been called a war monger by the likes of Ban Ki-Moon and the rest of the Islamist U.N. Netanyahu needs to prove over and over that he is only defending Israel and doesn't want war.

But Bibi knows that Hamas (read Islam) will never rest until Israel is gone. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." 

Since Chafets wrote his opinion piece, it was learned that Lt. Goldin was killed in the war. I suppose the Lieutenant didn't "tippy toe" properly.

Israel has given up so much land to the Palestinians. What more can they want? Oh, wait--all the Jews in the world dead. But if that happens, it's going to be "the Sunday people" next.

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