Monday, August 11, 2014

The ISIS Crisis

The Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) jihadists have allegedly buried alive 500 people, including women and children. These were just some of the long list of atrocities committed by these "by the book Muslims," and reported by Iraqi Human Rights Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

The IS is working feverishly to create a world caliphate, starting with Iraq then moving on to other places in the Middle East, and is coming to a city near you very soon, I suspect.

After IS seized Sinjar and executed the innocent Yazidis in the process, some 300 women were taken as sex slaves, as is recommended by Mohammed, the prophet of Islam (peas be up in him). You may remember that another Islamic orthodox group, namely Boko Haram, did the same with young girls in Africa. (Boko Haram roughly translates into "Western Society is Sinful" but killing infidels is not, and it's good for the soul.)

It needs to be made clear that IS is doing nothing that is not in the Koran, their, um, "holy scripture." (9:29) where "there is no compulsion in religion" is abrogated and Muslims are commanded to fight against the People of the Book (Christians and Jews). But this sura also says that as long as they feel themselves subdued and pay the jizya, a heavy tax to help Muslims in their continuous war effort, they will be spared.

But IS has enough money so they don't need to spare anyone and this is exactly what they are doing to those who refuse to convert.

When Mo designed this "religion," he was cunning enough to make it self-perpetuating. 

What a devil of a guy and what a screwed up cult.

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