Monday, August 18, 2014

Golf Before Honor: POTUS Putts

President Obama inserted his opinion about a shooting in Florida where a "white Hispanic" man named George Zimmerman, shot a young black man by the name of Trayvon Martin. If Obama had a son, he would look like Trayvon, he said. This was a "white-Hispanic-on-black shooting.

Now Mr. Obama gets involved in a shooting in Ferguson, MO. where a white cop shot a black man. In fact, the Reviled Al Sharpton, that race-baiting bag of sparrow farts, was at the town of Ferguson in order to stir up racial tensions. The Rev. knows how to stir up racial tension even when the person he's doing it for is a liar (see Brawley, Tawana). But Obama got involved because it was a "white-on-black" shooting, just like Sharptongue.

When it comes to the military, our POTUS always seems to take the wrong side of any situation. 

Bowe Bergdahl deserted his post and was taken captive by the Taliban. Bergdahl wrote home about how much he hated the USA, and somehow the enemy got better at killing Americans with Bergdahl in their camp.

In a post written by Jon Williams on June 4, 2014, he gives his thoughts about Bergdahl. The post is entitled: "I WAS THERE: My perspective on Bowe Bergdahl" (and the post can be found at:

Williams, an Army veteran, worked as a contractor to the 25th Infantry Division, (the same Division as Bergdahl).

He writes: "A few days ago, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel took the stage at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan and excitedly started with what he thought would be a big applause line. "We got him back!" he exclaimed.


"Not. Even. One. Clap."

Williams writes that numerous White House leaks revealed that Obama and his administration thought Americans would be elated by the news and would be a great moment in Obama's second term. Williams writes that the Obama team is clueless about the military because soldiers don't see a deserter as a "brother in arms."

Maj. Gen. Harold Greene
"When a soldier deserts his post, when he writes that he is ashamed to be an American, when he gives the enemy secrets (and he did), he is no longer "one of us." He is a traitor. He is not a brother-in-arms," Williams writes, and goes on to explain how Bergdahl is lower than whale excrement, which is at the bottom of the ocean. (He didn't actually say it those words, so I improvised.)

But, as you know, Obama met with the parents of Bowe Bergdahl. It looked like an Occupy White House meeting as the traitor's father, Robert, dressed like a slob, wore a nerd-nob ponytail hairdo, and spoke Arabic to his traitorous kid as Obama hugged his wife, Jani who left her Che tee-shirt at home for the occasion. They did not, however, take a selfie, nor, do I suspect, a shower.

Meanwhile, Major General Harold Green was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery. He was killed by a devout Muslim and is the highest ranking American serviceman to be killed in the Afghan war.

Crickets in the White House. 

People wondered why the Commander-in-Chief didn't attend the funeral of such a high ranking officer while he made the time to fuss over a traitor whose spelling would make a 5th grader cringe.

Journalist Byron York confirmed that Mr. Obama was busy golfing at the Vineyard Golf Club at the time of the funeral. He made an A-hole in one.

Two things for certain, President Obama sucks at golf but sucks even more as a Commander-in-Chief. It is unacceptable and outrageous that he snubbed the General's funeral. Maybe he didn't know about the murder of the General because he didn't watch the story on the news like the rest of us folks.

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