Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hamas Holes

A Hamas Hole
There are some people in the West who support Hamas because they simply don't like Israel. The reason they hate Israel isn't about the fertile land that was created by the inhabitants beginning in 1948. It isn't because of the scientific and technological inroads and inventions that have come out of Israel, such as: Quasi crystals, the role of Ubiquiton (a protein), Quarks (an elementary particle and constituent of all matter), Copaxone immunomodulator for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, the Pill Cam (a pill that you swallow that has a camera inside), nanowire, which is 1000 times thinner than a human hair, the USB flashdrive for your computers, ICQ instant messaging, and I didn't even get to agriculture, science and economics.

No, they hate Israel because of the Jews who live there. They hate the Jewish people.

You cannot hate Israel and say that you aren't anti-Semitic, you're only anti-Zionist, because you would know that you're lying (not you, dear reader, but you know who I'm talking about). 
More Hamas Holes

Some say anti-Semitism is based on envy of the accomplishments of the Jews. Perhaps this is true, in part. After all, the Jews moved into the desert of the Middle East and turned it into an oasis of fertility. They opened universities, treated women the same as men as witnessed in leaders like Golda Meir, and their average family income is $2572 a month with one wage earner, and $3428 a month with two wage earners. The average income for a family in Gaza is $1165. The biggest difference is that the Gaza income is not for a month, but for a year! So maybe there is some envy there.

But the Palestinians have made inroads too. It was the Palestinians who invented a prayer buzzer that goes off under the prayer rug if a person falls asleep while praying. Israel has no such invention, but that's probably due to the fact that they don't use prayer rugs.

It's undeniably sad that Gazan civilians, including children, are getting killed by Israeli retaliatory responses to Hamas' unprovoked attacks. Wait, they aren't unprovoked--they're required in the Koran--I almost forgot to mention that. But you cannot expect any nation to play a suicidal role when being attacked. If you can, you must be a liberal.

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