Thursday, February 9, 2017

Obama 'cut 'em loose' but he's back in the slammer

He was serving a life sentence on drug charges but former President Barack "Let 'em all go" Obama commuted his sentence. 

Robert M. Gill, a 68-year-old Texas man was imprisoned in 1990 for heroin and cocaine distribution but dealing drugs isn't a big deal to a president who used drugs in college and possibly longer. 

So Obama set Gill free along with other "non-violent" inmates in 2015, the San Antonio Express News reported.

Since screwing up this country for his eight long years in office, Obama commuted 1,715 prison sentences--more than any other president, and hopefully he will hold the record for centuries to come.

Last Thursday Gill met his probation officer and afterward went to the parking lot of a supermarket where he purchased over 2 (two!) pounds of cocaine. A sheriff's deputy in an unmarked car tried to stop him, the affidavit said.

Gill floored his car and after a high-speed chase collided with another vehicle at which time deputies disabled his car.

The officers found the cocaine in his backpack and arrested him, the affidavit said.

Former President Obama had no comment as he was enjoying another taxpayer-funded vacation.

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