Friday, February 10, 2017

Gorsuch calls Trump's travel ban "disheartening and demoralizing"

Neil Gorsuch, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, said the comments the president made regarding the federal appeals court deliberating on his travel restrictions were "disheartening and demoralizing."

This might actually mean that Gorsuch cannot be bought, but it could also be a smokescreen, a setup made by the two men to trick the Democrats into quickly confirming him to the highest court in the land 'till death do he part' in order to fill the court with GOPers who will back the party line on all decisions.

At least that's what "Chow Yuk Chuck" Schumer is likely thinking along with his leftist party.

According to a source on Trump's Supreme Court nomination committee who spoke to Fox News, the remark made by Gorsuch was at a meeting with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

Blumenthal spoke to the media after the meeting and said Gorsuch "expressed to me that he is disheartened by the demoralizing and abhorrent comments by President Trump about the judiciary."

But perhaps Blumenthal was lying in order to create a smokescreen so that Republicans would be hesitant to cast a vote for Gorsuch, to cast doubt as to his party line loyalty.

On Wednesday, President Trump verbally attacked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals while they deliberated on his executive order, an order that subsequently overturned his executive order putting Trump in a position where he'll need to decide whether to take it to the Supreme Court or appeal the decision of the lower court.

The Democrats have called the temporary travel ban of seven terrorist spawning countries [with no intact central government to vet refugees and immigrants] a "Muslim ban," but that's just leftists being leftists. The seven countries, while predominantly Muslim, comprise only about ten percent of all Muslims, and the wording in the executive order makes no distinction about the religion aspect, only the countries involved.

Trump took to Twitter, as he is wont to do. He tweeted: "If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Politics!
--Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)"

Let me be crystal clear: the president is within the law to ban certain groups of people that he or she deems to be a potential problem to the security and safety of the American people.

I just wish he would not call judges "so called judges" and not be so petty about the small stuff.


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